Blocking on TempDb

  • Hi,

    Recently a new development team is busy with a new application and with that a new Db on my SQL*Server. From the moment that this application was on production I encountered a lot of more blockings on my server than before that. Investigating this blocking showed me that it was always in the tempdb on the object sysindexes.

    My system runs every hour a check of all Database space to prevent the running out of space on a particular DB and it is almost every time when this check runs that blocking occurs.

    This is my trace info about the blocking. It gives the blocked and blocking process + it provide me all locking info about those processes.

    On the bottom you can also find the code of the involved stored procedure (it's not always the same one).

    When looking at this code you can see that they are using a lot of mry table objects and sometimes also temporary tables (not in this one).

    Can someone help me to find out the real cause of this problem? I think it has something to do with the Mry and/or temporary tables, but I don't know why.

    I think there must be something with there way of programming but I need to be sure before I can go to them to complain about their programming technique.

    spid hostname blk dbname cmd waittype

    ------ ------------ ---- ---------- ---------------- --------

    186 BGC-IHZHSKIX 0 DbCbuGbs INSERT 0x0000

    Blocking process 186


    EventType Parameters EventInfo

    --------- ---------- ------------------------------------

    RPC Event 0 dbo.UspGetListAllOffresComparaison;1

    spid db Obj IndId Type Resource Mode Status

    ------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------ ---- ---------------- -------- ------

    186 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 DB S GRANT

    186 tempdb sysindexes 0 TAB IX GRANT

    186 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:507612 X GRANT

    186 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:507611 X GRANT

    186 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:507610 X GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs spt_fallback_dev 0 TAB IS GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs spt_fallback_dev 0 RID 3:1451:50 S GRANT

    186 tempdb ALLOCATION 0 RID 1:507611:1 X GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 PAG 3:25144 IS GRANT

    186 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 PAG 3:822 IS GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 RID 3:822:8 S GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 PAG 3:899 IS GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 PAG 3:897 IS GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 PAG 3:905 IS GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 PAG 3:911 IS GRANT

    186 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT

    186 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs spt_fallback_db 0 PAG 3:46548 IS GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs spt_fallback_dev 0 PAG 3:1451 IS GRANT

    186 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT

    186 tempdb NULL 0 IDX IDX: 2:181957567 X GRANT

    186 tempdb sysindexes 1 KEY (7900dcdac16c) X GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 PAG 3:26872 IS GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs spt_fallback_db 0 TAB IS GRANT

    186 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 PAG 3:19824 IS GRANT

    186 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:223281 X GRANT

    186 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 TAB IS GRANT

    186 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT


    ------------------- ---------

    Blocked process 191


    EventType Parameters EventInfo

    -------------- ---------- -----------------

    Language Event 0 exec sp_spaceused

    spid db Obj IndId Type Resource Mode Status

    ------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------ ---- ---------------- -------- ------

    191 tempdb sysindexes 1 KEY (7900dcdac16c) S WAIT


    ------------------- ---------

    # open transactions 1






    ** UspGetListAllOffresComparaison


    ** Author : Marc Pleijte

    ** Description : Get list of all offers comparison

    ** Date Creation : 25/09/2002


    ** Input parameter :


    ** Output Record set :


    ** Usage : Export to XLS file



    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.UspGetListAllOffresComparaison (@Destination varchar(2000) = NULL

    , @Operator varchar(2000) = NULL

    , @Buyer varchar(1000) = NULL

    , @AreaManager varchar(1000) = NULL)





    DECLARE @tblAreaManagers TABLE (PkAMID int NOT NULL)

    DECLARE @tblBuyers TABLE (PkBuyerID int NOT NULL)

    DECLARE @tblOperators TABLE (PkOpID int NOT NULL)

    DECLARE @tblDestinations TABLE (PkDestID int NOT NULL)

    DECLARE @tblUsedOffers TABLE (PkOpID int NOT NULL

    , PkDestID int NOT NULL

    , PkOfferDate datetime NOT NULL

    , ApplicationDate datetime NOT NULL

    , EndOfApplicationDate datetime NOT NULL

    , EntryDate datetime NOT NULL

    , Price float NOT NULL

    , PRIMARY KEY (PkOpID, PkDestID, PkOfferDate))

    DECLARE @tblMaxOffers TABLE (PkOffOpID int NOT NULL

    , PkOffDestID int NOT NULL

    , MaxOfOfferDate datetime NOT NULL

    , PRIMARY KEY(PkOffOpID, PkOffDestID))

    DECLARE @tblMaxTestResults TABLE (PkTrDestId int NOT NULL

    , PkTrOpId int NOT NULL

    , MaxTrRequestDate datetime NOT NULL

    , PRIMARY KEY(PkTrDestId,PkTrOpId))

    DECLARE @tblUsedTestResults TABLE (PkTrDestId int NOT NULL

    , PkTrOpId int NOT NULL

    , PkTrRequestDate datetime NOT NULL

    , TrAutomatic bit NULL

    , TrScore smallint NULL

    , TrDiorId int NULL

    , TrGo bit NULL

    , PRIMARY KEY(PkTrDestID, PkTrOpID, PkTrRequestDate))

    DECLARE @Found int

    DECLARE @Err int

    IF LEN(@Buyer) > 0 SET @Buyer = @Buyer + ','

    IF LEN(@AreaManager) > 0 SET @AreaManager = @AreaManager + ','

    IF LEN(@Destination) > 0 SET @Destination = @Destination + ','

    IF LEN(@Operator) > 0 SET @Operator = @Operator + ','

    --Filter area managers

    IF LEN(@AreaManager) > 0


    SET @Found = CHARINDEX(',', @AreaManager)

    WHILE @Found > 0


    SET @Found = CHARINDEX(',', @AreaManager)

    INSERT @tblAreaManagers

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@AreaManager, 1, (@Found-1))

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    SET @AreaManager = ISNULL(SUBSTRING(@AreaManager, (@Found+1), LEN(@AreaManager)),0)

    SET @Found = CHARINDEX(',', @AreaManager)





    --Select All Area managers

    INSERT @tblAreaManagers(PkAmID)


    FROM tblAreaManagers

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR


    --Filter Buyers

    IF LEN(@Buyer) > 0


    SET @Found = CHARINDEX(',', @Buyer)

    WHILE @Found > 0


    SET @Found = CHARINDEX(',', @Buyer)

    INSERT @tblBuyers

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@Buyer, 1, (@Found-1))

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    SET @Buyer = ISNULL(SUBSTRING(@Buyer, (@Found+1), LEN(@Buyer)),0)

    SET @Found = CHARINDEX(',', @Buyer)





    --Select All Buyers

    INSERT @tblBuyers (PkBuyerID)

    SELECT PkBuyerID

    FROM tblBuyers

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR


    --Filter Destinations

    IF LEN(@Destination) > 0


    SET @Found = CHARINDEX(',', @Destination)

    WHILE @Found > 0


    SET @Found = CHARINDEX(',', @Destination)

    INSERT @tblDestinations

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@Destination, 1, (@Found-1))

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    SET @Destination = ISNULL(SUBSTRING(@Destination, (@Found+1), LEN(@Destination)),0)

    SET @Found = CHARINDEX(',', @Destination)





    --Select All Destinations

    INSERT @tblDestinations(PkDestID)


    FROM tblDestinations

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR


    --Filter Operators

    IF LEN(@Operator) > 0


    SET @Found = CHARINDEX(',', @Operator)

    WHILE @Found > 0


    SET @Found = CHARINDEX(',', @Operator)

    INSERT @tblOperators

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@Operator, 1, (@Found-1))

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    SET @Operator = ISNULL(SUBSTRING(@Operator, (@Found+1), LEN(@Operator)),0)

    SET @Found = CHARINDEX(',', @Operator)





    --Select All Destinations

    INSERT @tblOperators(PkOpID)


    FROM tblOperators

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR


    --Select maximum offer dates

    INSERT @tblMaxOffers (PkOffOpID

    , PkOffDestID

    , MaxOfOfferDate)

    SELECT PkOffOpId

    , PkOffDestId

    , Max(PkOffOfferDate) AS MaxOfOffer_date

    FROM tbloffers

    GROUP BY PkOffOpId, PkOffDestId

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    --Insert used offers

    INSERT @tblUsedOffers(PkOpID

    , PkDestID

    , PkOfferDate

    , ApplicationDate

    , EndOfApplicationDate

    , EntryDate

    , Price)

    SELECT DISTINCT tbloffers.PkOffOpId AS carrier_nb

    , tbloffers.PkOffDestId AS Destination_id

    , tbloffers.PkOffOfferDate AS OfferDate

    , tbloffers.OffApplicationDate AS Application_date

    , tbloffers.OffEndofApplicationDate AS EndofApplication_Date

    , tbloffers.OffEntryDate AS Entry_Date

    , tbloffers.OffPrice AS Price

    FROM tbloffers INNER JOIN @tblMaxOffers AS q_offers_last_date ON tbloffers.PkOffOfferDate = q_offers_last_date.MaxOfOfferDate AND

    tbloffers.PkOffOpId = q_offers_last_date.PkOffOpId AND

    tbloffers.PkOffDestId = q_offers_last_date.PkOffDestId

    INNER JOIN tblOperators ON tblOperators.PkOpId = tbloffers.PkOffOpId

    INNER JOIN @tblOperators AS Op ON tblOperators.PkOpID = Op.PkOpID

    INNER JOIN @tblBuyers AS Buyer ON tblOperators.OpBuyerID = Buyer.PkBuyerID

    INNER JOIN tblDestinations ON tblOffers.PkOffDestID = tblDestinations.PkDestId

    INNER JOIN @tblDestinations AS Dest ON tblDestinations.PkDestID = Dest.PkDestID

    INNER JOIN @tblAreaManagers AS AM ON tblDestinations.DestAMID = AM.PkAMID

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    --Select maximum test results

    INSERT @tblMaxTestResults(PkTrDestID

    , PkTrOpID

    , MaxTrRequestDate)

    SELECT PkTrDestId

    , PkTrOpId

    , Max(PkTrRequestDate) AS MaxTrRequestDate

    FROM tblTestResults

    GROUP BY tblTestResults.PkTrDestId, tblTestResults.PkTrOpId

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    --Insert used test results

    INSERT @tblUsedTestResults(PkTrDestId

    , PkTrOpId

    , PkTrRequestDate

    , TrAutomatic

    , TrScore

    , TrDiorId

    , TrGo)

    SELECT DISTINCT tblTestResults.PkTrDestId

    , tblTestResults.PkTrOpId

    , tblTestResults.PkTrRequestDate

    , tblTestResults.TrAutomatic

    , tblTestResults.TrScore

    , tblTestResults.TrDiorId

    , tblTestResults.[TrGo?]

    FROM tblTestResults INNER JOIN @tblMaxTestResults AS MaxTest ON tblTestResults.PkTrDestId = MaxTest.PkTrDestId AND

    tblTestResults.PkTrOpId = MaxTest.PkTrOpId AND

    tblTestResults.PkTrRequestDate = MaxTest.MaxTrRequestDate

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    --Combine selections

    SELECT tblDestinations.DestName as Destination

    , tblOperators.OpLongOperatorName as [Operator Name]

    , Offer.Price

    , Offer.ApplicationDate as [Offer StartDate]

    , TestResults.PkTrRequestDate AS [Lastest TestDate]

    , Case ISNULL(Trautomatic,'')

    when 1 then 'yes'

    when '' then null

    else 'no'

    end AS Auto

    , TestResults.TrScore as Score

    , case ISNULL(TrGo,'')

    when 1 then 'yes'

    when '' then null

    else 'no'

    end AS [Go]

    , TestResults.TrDiorId as DiorID

    FROM @tblUsedOffers AS Offer INNER JOIN tblOperators ON Offer.PkOpID = tblOperators.PkOpID

    INNER JOIN tblDestinations ON Offer.PkDestID = tblDestinations.PkDestId

    LEFT JOIN @tblUsedTestResults AS TestResults ON TestResults.PkTrOpId = Offer.PkOpID AND

    TestResults.PkTrDestId = Offer.PkDestID

    ORDER BY tblDestinations.DestName, Offer.Price

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR


    RETURN @Err



    RETURN @Err







  • Ludo, I haven't analysed your comnplete work, but three things came to my mind which may be helpful:

    1) Split your Transactions into smaller chunks, so you can commit multiple parts. Once committed, locks for that part are released .

    2) If your statistics-job is "less" important than production work, use "SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY low" to make your job loose possible deadlock conflickts. Otherwise your production jobs may fail.

    3) If 1) doesn't help, consider index-to-data locking (reading-proc 1 grabs index first, then data, writing-proc 2 writes data first and than wants index). Dropping an index can help avoid deadlocks


  • Thnx, I will try your suggestions, but keep in mind that this isn't a deadlock but a blocking situation.

    A deadlock can take care of it self, a blocking can't.

  • Ludo,

    Is this a problem? The insert is blocking the sp_space_used procedure. I suppose it is no problem if this procedure has to wait. The other way round, that could be irritating.

    Only if the query starts to block other program queries there would also be a problem.

  • It's indeed no problem here, but I generated this as example. The real problem is that other applications using temp. Tables or Mry tables can be blocked too.

  • I suppose now I must analyze your code. 😉

    The lock is on a key. I believe this would only be a problem for a procedure that wants to access the structure of this particular index. It would be better is you send a case with two program procedures.

    But if you have such problems:

    The only reason I see for a lock on a key in sysindexes are the primary keys in the table variables you declare. There are two problems with this theory.

    In the first place, why is there only one key locked and not all?

    In the second place, why is the lock not freed after the declare?

    Maybe it would help to put the declarations in a separate transaction.

    You could run profiler and see which statements put locks on sysindexes and when the locks are freed.

  • With this I send you the code of a stored procedure + lock info.

    As you can see this procedure is started in two different processes and yet they interference with each other again in the tempdb.

    And again the appl development people are using a lot of temp tables and mry tables.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UspGetListAllBCRRoutes(@OriginID varchar(10)) AS


    ** UspGetListAllBCRRoutes


    ** Author : Marc Pleijte

    ** Description : Get list of all new routes

    ** Date Creation : 04/11/2002


    ** Input parameter :


    ** Output Record set :


    ** Usage : Export to XLS file






    DECLARE @Err int

    DECLARE @tblRedCost TABLE ( RouteID int

    , RedCost float)

    DECLARE @tblTrafficVolumes TABLE( DestinationID int

    , Origin int

    , MaxOfTrafficDate datetime)

    DECLARE @tblBCRMinOrder TABLE ( RouteID int

    , MinOrder int)

    DECLARE @tblBCRMaxStartDate TABLE ( DestinationID int

    , Origin int

    , MaxOfStartDate datetime)

    DECLARE @tblBCRMaxDetail TABLE ( PkBCRID int

    , BCROrigin int

    , BCRDestId int

    , BCRStartDate datetime

    , BCRMinimumPrice float

    , BCRRerouting int

    , BCRCliGuarantee bit

    , BCRZeroTolerance bit

    , BCRRemarks varchar(510))

    --Last date of traffic volumes

    INSERT @tblTrafficVolumes

    SELECT PkTrvolDestId AS DestinationId

    , PkTrvolOrigin AS Origin

    , Max(PkTrvolDate) AS MaxOfTrafficDate

    FROM tblTrafficVolumes

    WHERE PkTrvolOrigin LIKE '%' + @OriginID

    GROUP BY PkTrvolDestId, PkTrvolOrigin

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    --Minimum order

    INSERT @tblBCRMinOrder

    SELECT BcrdBcrId AS RouteID

    , Min(BcrdOrder) AS MinOfOrder

    FROM tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails

    GROUP BY BcrdBcrId

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    --Maximum start date

    INSERT @tblBCRMaxStartDate

    SELECT BcrDestId AS DestinationID

    , BcrOrigin AS Origin

    , Max(BcrStartDate) AS MaxOfStartDate

    FROM tblBestChoiceRouting

    WHERE BcrOrigin LIKE '%' + @OriginID

    GROUP BY BcrOrigin, BcrDestId

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    --BCR details

    INSERT @tblBCRMaxDetail

    SELECT tblBestChoiceRouting.PkBcrId

    , tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrOrigin

    , tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrDestId

    , tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrStartDate

    , tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrMinimumPrice

    , tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrRerouting

    , tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrCliGuarantee

    , tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrZeroTolerance

    , tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrRemarks

    FROM @tblBCRMaxStartDate AS BCRMaxStartDate INNER JOIN tblBestChoiceRouting ON BCRMaxStartDate.Origin = tblBestChoiceRouting.bcrOrigin AND

    BCRMaxStartDate.DestinationId = tblBestChoiceRouting.bcrDestId AND

    BCRMaxStartDate.MaxOfStartDate = tblBestChoiceRouting.bcrStartDate

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    --Determine RedCost

    -- get red cost for VT

    INSERT @tblRedCost

    SELECT BcrdBcrId

    , MAX(BcrdBuy) AS RedCost

    FROM tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails INNER JOIN @tblBCRMaxDetail AS BCRMaxDetail ON tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdBcrId = BCRMaxDetail.PkBcrID

    WHERE BCRMaxDetail.BCROrigin = 1

    GROUP BY BcrdBcrId

    -- get red cost for non VT

    INSERT @tblRedCost

    SELECT BcrdBcrId

    , MAX(BcrdBuy) AS RedCost

    FROM tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails INNER JOIN @tblBCRMaxDetail AS BCRMaxDetail ON tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdBcrId = BCRMaxDetail.PkBcrID

    WHERE NOT BCRMaxDetail.BCROrigin = 1 AND

    BcrdWeight > 2 AND

    BcrdOrder <> '0'

    GROUP BY BcrdBcrId

    --Create temporary table with latest traffic volumes

    SELECT tblTrafficVolumes.PkTrvolDestId AS DestinationID

    , tblTrafficVolumes.PkTrvolOrigin AS Origin

    , tblTrafficVolumes.PkTrvolDate AS TrafficDate

    , tblTrafficVolumes.TrvolVolume AS TrafficVolume

    INTO ##TmpTrafficVolumes_latest

    FROM @tblTrafficVolumes AS TVLastDate INNER JOIN tblTrafficVolumes ON TVLastDate.MaxOfTrafficDate = tblTrafficVolumes.PkTrvolDate AND

    TVLastDate.Origin = tblTrafficVolumes.PkTrvolOrigin AND

    TVLastDate.DestinationId = tblTrafficVolumes.PkTrvolDestId

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    --Create temporary table with all BCR

    SELECT BCRMaxDetail.PkBcrId AS RouteId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrOrigin AS Origin

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrDestId AS DestinationId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrStartDate AS StartDate

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrMinimumPrice AS MinimumPrice

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrCliGuarantee AS CliGuarantee

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrZeroTolerance AS ZeroTolerance

    , q_bcr_averages_with_overflow.WeighedAverageOfBuyWithOverflow AS Cost

    , q_bcr_averages_with_overflow_1.WeighedAverageOfBuy AS [Old Cost]

    , case

    when q_bcr_averages_with_overflow.WeighedAverageOfBuy > q_bcr_averages_with_overflow_1.WeighedAverageOfBuy then 'increase'

    else case

    when q_bcr_averages_with_overflow.WeighedAverageOfBuy < q_bcr_averages_with_overflow_1.WeighedAverageOfBuy then 'decrease'

    else 'no difference'


    end AS Inc_Dec

    INTO ##Tmpbcr_inc_dec


    (SELECT q_bcr_averages.RouteID

    , q_bcr_averages.MaxOfBuy

    , q_bcr_averages.MinOfBuy

    , q_bcr_averages.WeighedAverageOfBuy

    , q_bcr_averages.NumberOfRoutes

    , q_bcr_averages.SumOfWeight

    , case BCRMinOrder.MinOrder

    when '0' then (q_bcr_averages.WeighedAverageOfBuy*0.9) + (tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdBuy*0.1)

    else q_bcr_averages.WeighedAverageOfBuy

    end AS WeighedAverageOfBuyWithOverflow

    , BCRMinOrder.MinOrder

    FROM tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails inner join @tblBCRMinOrder AS BCRMinOrder ON tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdBcrId = BCRMinOrder.RouteID AND

    tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOrder = BCRMinOrder.MinOrder

    inner join

    (SELECT BcrdBcrId AS RouteID

    , Max(BcrdBuy) AS MaxOfBuy

    , Min(BcrdBuy) AS MinOfBuy

    , Sum((BcrdBuy*BcrdWeight)/100) AS WeighedAverageOfBuy

    , Count(PkBcrdId) AS NumberOfRoutes

    , Sum(BcrdWeight) AS SumOfWeight

    FROM tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails

    WHERE BcrdOrder <> '0'

    GROUP BY BcrdBcrId

    ) as q_bcr_averages ON BCRMinOrder.RouteID = q_bcr_averages.RouteID

    ) as q_bcr_averages_with_overflow

    inner join @tblBCRMaxDetail AS BCRMaxDetail ON q_bcr_averages_with_overflow.RouteId = BCRMaxDetail.PkBCRId

    inner join

    (SELECT tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrOrigin AS Origin

    , tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrDestId AS DestinationID

    , Max(tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrStartDate) AS MaxOfStartDate1

    FROM @tblBCRMaxStartDate AS BCRMaxStartDate inner join tblBestChoiceRouting ON BCRMaxStartDate.DestinationID = tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrDestId AND

    BCRMaxStartDate.Origin = tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrOrigin

    WHERE tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrStartDate < BCRMaxStartDate.MaxOfStartDate

    GROUP BY tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrOrigin, tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrDestId

    ) as q_bcr_latest_1 ON BCRMaxDetail.BCRDestId = q_bcr_latest_1.DestinationId AND

    BCRMaxDetail.BCROrigin = q_bcr_latest_1.Origin

    inner join tblBestChoiceRouting ON tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrStartDate = q_bcr_latest_1.MaxOfStartDate1 AND

    tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrDestId = q_bcr_latest_1.DestinationId AND

    tblBestChoiceRouting.BcrOrigin = q_bcr_latest_1.Origin

    inner join

    (SELECT q_bcr_averages.RouteID

    , q_bcr_averages.MaxOfBuy

    , q_bcr_averages.MinOfBuy

    , q_bcr_averages.WeighedAverageOfBuy

    , q_bcr_averages.NumberOfRoutes

    , q_bcr_averages.SumOfWeight

    , case BCRMinOrder.MinOrder

    when '0' then (q_bcr_averages.WeighedAverageOfBuy*0.9) + (tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdBuy*0.1)

    else q_bcr_averages.WeighedAverageOfBuy

    end AS WeighedAverageOfBuyWithOverflow

    , BCRMinOrder.MinOrder

    FROM tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails inner join @tblBCRMinOrder AS BCRMinOrder ON tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdBcrId = BCRMinOrder.RouteID AND

    tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOrder = BCRMinOrder.MinOrder

    inner join

    (SELECT BcrdBcrId AS RouteID

    , Max(BcrdBuy) AS MaxOfBuy

    , Min(BcrdBuy) AS MinOfBuy

    , Sum((BcrdBuy*BcrdWeight)/100) AS WeighedAverageOfBuy

    , Count(PkBcrdId) AS NumberOfRoutes

    , Sum(BcrdWeight) AS SumOfWeight

    FROM tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails

    WHERE BcrdOrder <> '0'

    GROUP BY BcrdBcrId

    ) as q_bcr_averages ON BCRMinOrder.RouteID = q_bcr_averages.RouteID

    ) AS q_bcr_averages_with_overflow_1 ON tblBestChoiceRouting.PkBcrId = q_bcr_averages_with_overflow_1.RouteId

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    --Create temporary table with averages

    SELECT q_bcr_averages.RouteID

    , q_bcr_averages.MaxOfBuy

    , q_bcr_averages.MinOfBuy

    , q_bcr_averages.WeighedAverageOfBuy

    , q_bcr_averages.NumberOfRoutes

    , q_bcr_averages.SumOfWeight

    , case BCRMinOrder.MinOrder

    when '0' then (q_bcr_averages.WeighedAverageOfBuy*0.9) + (tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdBuy*0.1)

    else q_bcr_averages.WeighedAverageOfBuy

    end AS WeighedAverageOfBuyWithOverflow

    , BCRMinOrder.MinOrder

    INTO ##Tmpbcr_averages_with_overflow

    FROM tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails INNER JOIN @tblBCRMinOrder AS BCRMinOrder ON tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdBcrId = BCRMinOrder.RouteID AND

    tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOrder = BCRMinOrder.MinOrder


    (SELECT BcrdBcrId AS RouteID

    , Max(BcrdBuy) AS MaxOfBuy

    , Min(BcrdBuy) AS MinOfBuy

    , Sum((BcrdBuy*BcrdWeight)/100) AS WeighedAverageOfBuy

    , Count(PkBcrdId) AS NumberOfRoutes

    , Sum(BcrdWeight) AS SumOfWeight

    FROM tblBestChoiceRoutingDetails

    WHERE BcrdOrder <> '0'

    GROUP BY BcrdBcrId

    ) as q_bcr_averages ON BCRMinOrder.RouteID = q_bcr_averages.RouteID

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    --Create temporary table with all BCR

    SELECT q_bcr_r1.PkBcrId as RouteId

    , q_bcr_r1.BcrOrigin as Origin

    , q_bcr_r1.BcrDestId as DestinationId

    , q_bcr_r1.BcrStartDate as StartDate

    , q_bcr_r1.BcrMinimumPrice as MinimumPrice

    , q_bcr_r1.BcrRerouting as Rerouting

    , q_bcr_r1.BcrCliGuarantee as CliGuarantee

    , q_bcr_r1.BcrZeroTolerance as ZeroTolerance

    , q_bcr_r1.BcrRemarks as Remarks

    , q_bcr_r1.BcrdOperatorID AS Carrier_id1

    , q_bcr_r1.OpLongOperatorName AS Carrier_name1

    , q_bcr_r1.OpShortOperatorName AS Carrier_IBIS1

    , q_bcr_r1.BcrdWeight AS Weight1

    , q_bcr_r1.BcrdBuy AS Buy1

    , q_bcr_r1.BcrdVolumeDeal AS VD1

    , q_bcr_r2.BcrdOperatorID AS Carrier_id2

    , q_bcr_r2.OpLongOperatorName AS Carrier_name2

    , q_bcr_r2.OpShortOperatorName AS Carrier_IBIS2

    , q_bcr_r2.BcrdWeight AS Weight2

    , q_bcr_r2.BcrdBuy AS Buy2

    , q_bcr_r2.BcrdVolumeDeal AS VD2

    , q_bcr_r3.BcrdOperatorID AS Carrier_id3

    , q_bcr_r3.OpLongOperatorName AS Carrier_name3

    , q_bcr_r3.OpShortOperatorName AS Carrier_IBIS3

    , q_bcr_r3.BcrdWeight AS Weight3

    , q_bcr_r3.BcrdBuy AS Buy3

    , q_bcr_r3.BcrdVolumeDeal AS VD3

    , q_bcr_r4.BcrdOperatorID AS Carrier_id4

    , q_bcr_r4.OpLongOperatorName AS Carrier_name4

    , q_bcr_r4.OpShortOperatorName AS Carrier_IBIS4

    , q_bcr_r4.BcrdWeight AS Weight4

    , q_bcr_r4.BcrdBuy AS Buy4

    , q_bcr_r4.BcrdVolumeDeal AS VD4

    , q_bcr_r5.BcrdOperatorID AS Carrier_id5

    , q_bcr_r5.OpLongOperatorName AS Carrier_name5

    , q_bcr_r5.OpShortOperatorName AS Carrier_IBIS5

    , q_bcr_r5.BcrdWeight AS Weight5

    , q_bcr_r5.BcrdBuy AS Buy5

    , q_bcr_r5.BcrdVolumeDeal AS VD5

    , q_bcr_r0.BcrdOperatorID AS Carrier_id0

    , q_bcr_r0.OpLongOperatorName AS Carrier_name0

    , q_bcr_r0.OpShortOperatorName AS Carrier_IBIS0

    , q_bcr_r0.BcrdWeight AS Weight0

    , q_bcr_r0.BcrdBuy AS Buy0

    , q_bcr_r0.BcrdVolumeDeal AS VD0

    INTO ##TmpBCR_In_All


    (SELECT BCRMaxDetail.PkBcrId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrOrigin

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrDestId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrStartDate

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrMinimumPrice

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrRerouting

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrCliGuarantee

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrZeroTolerance

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrRemarks

    , tblOperators.OpLongOperatorName

    , tblOperators.OpShortOperatorName

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.PkBcrdId

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdOrder

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOperatorId

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdWeight

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdBuy

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdVolumeDeal

    FROM tblOperators inner join tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails ON tblOperators.PkOpId = tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOperatorId

    inner join @tblBCRMaxDetail AS BCRMaxDetail ON tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdbcrId = BCRMaxDetail.pkbcrId

    WHERE tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdOrder = 1

    ) as q_bcr_r1


    (SELECT BCRMaxDetail.PkBcrId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrOrigin

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrDestId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrStartDate

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrMinimumPrice

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrRerouting

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrCliGuarantee

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrZeroTolerance

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrRemarks

    , tblOperators.OpLongOperatorName

    , tblOperators.OpShortOperatorName

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.PkBcrdId

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdOrder

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOperatorId

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdWeight

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdBuy

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdVolumeDeal

    FROM tblOperators inner join tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails ON tblOperators.PkOpId = tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOperatorId

    inner join @tblBCRMaxDetail AS BCRMaxDetail ON tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdbcrId = BCRMaxDetail.pkbcrId

    WHERE tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdOrder = 2

    ) as q_bcr_r2 ON q_bcr_r1.BcrStartDate = q_bcr_r2.BcrStartDate AND

    q_bcr_r1.BcrDestId = q_bcr_r2.BcrDestID AND

    q_bcr_r1.BcrOrigin = q_bcr_r2.BcrOrigin


    (SELECT BCRMaxDetail.PkBcrId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrOrigin

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrDestId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrStartDate

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrMinimumPrice

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrRerouting

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrCliGuarantee

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrZeroTolerance

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrRemarks

    , tblOperators.OpLongOperatorName

    , tblOperators.OpShortOperatorName

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.PkBcrdId

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdOrder

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOperatorId

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdWeight

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdBuy

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdVolumeDeal

    FROM tblOperators inner join tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails ON tblOperators.PkOpId = tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOperatorId

    inner join @tblBCRMaxDetail AS BCRMaxDetail ON tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdbcrId = BCRMaxDetail.pkbcrId

    WHERE tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdOrder = 3

    ) as q_bcr_r3 ON q_bcr_r1.BcrStartDate = q_bcr_r3.BcrStartDate AND

    q_bcr_r1.BcrDestID = q_bcr_r3.BcrDestID AND

    q_bcr_r1.BcrOrigin = q_bcr_r3.BcrOrigin


    (SELECT BCRMaxDetail.PkBcrId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrOrigin

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrDestId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrStartDate

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrMinimumPrice

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrRerouting

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrCliGuarantee

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrZeroTolerance

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrRemarks

    , tblOperators.OpLongOperatorName

    , tblOperators.OpShortOperatorName

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.PkBcrdId

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdOrder

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOperatorId

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdWeight

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdBuy

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdVolumeDeal

    FROM tblOperators inner join tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails ON tblOperators.PkOpId = tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOperatorId

    inner join @tblBCRMaxDetail AS BCRMaxDetail ON tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdbcrId = BCRMaxDetail.pkbcrId

    WHERE tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdOrder = 4

    ) as q_bcr_r4 ON q_bcr_r1.BcrStartDate = q_bcr_r4.BcrStartDate AND

    q_bcr_r1.BcrDestID = q_bcr_r4.BcrDestID AND

    q_bcr_r1.BcrOrigin = q_bcr_r4.BcrOrigin


    (SELECT BCRMaxDetail.PkBcrId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrOrigin

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrDestId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrStartDate

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrMinimumPrice

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrRerouting

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrCliGuarantee

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrZeroTolerance

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrRemarks

    , tblOperators.OpLongOperatorName

    , tblOperators.OpShortOperatorName

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.PkBcrdId

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdOrder

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOperatorId

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdWeight

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdBuy

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdVolumeDeal

    FROM tblOperators inner join tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails ON tblOperators.PkOpId = tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOperatorId

    inner join @tblBCRMaxDetail AS BCRMaxDetail ON tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdbcrId = BCRMaxDetail.pkbcrId

    WHERE tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdOrder = 5

    ) as q_bcr_r5 ON q_bcr_r1.BcrStartDate = q_bcr_r5.BcrStartDate AND

    q_bcr_r1.BcrDestID = q_bcr_r5.BcrDestID AND

    q_bcr_r1.BcrOrigin = q_bcr_r5.BcrOrigin


    (SELECT BCRMaxDetail.PkBcrId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrOrigin

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrDestId

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrStartDate

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrMinimumPrice

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrRerouting

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrCliGuarantee

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrZeroTolerance

    , BCRMaxDetail.BcrRemarks

    , tblOperators.OpLongOperatorName

    , tblOperators.OpShortOperatorName

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.PkBcrdId

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdOrder

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOperatorId

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdWeight

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdBuy

    , tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdVolumeDeal

    FROM tblOperators inner join tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails ON tblOperators.PkOpId = tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.BcrdOperatorId

    inner join @tblBCRMaxDetail AS BCRMaxDetail ON tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdbcrId = BCRMaxDetail.pkbcrId

    WHERE tblBestchoiceRoutingDetails.bcrdOrder = 0

    ) as q_bcr_r0 ON q_bcr_r1.BcrStartDate = q_bcr_r0.BcrStartDate AND

    q_bcr_r1.BcrDestID = q_bcr_r0.BcrDestID AND

    q_bcr_r1.BcrOrigin = q_bcr_r0.BcrOrigin

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    --Selection for export

    SELECT ' ' AS a

    , ISNULL(tblDestinations.DestCF55, '') AS Destinationnb

    , ISNULL(tblOrigins.OriginName, '') as Origin

    , ISNULL(tblDestinations.DestName, '') as DestName

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Carrier_name1, '') as Carrier_name1

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Carrier_name2, '') as Carrier_name2

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Buy1,'') as Buy1

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Buy2,'') as Buy2

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Carrier_name3, '') as Carrier_name3

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Buy3,'') as Buy3

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Carrier_name4, '') as Carrier_name4

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Buy4,'') as Buy4

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Carrier_name5, '') as Carrier_name5

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Buy5,'') as Buy5

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_averages_with_overflow.WeighedAverageOfBuy,'') as WeighedAverageOfBuy

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_averages_with_overflow.WeighedAverageOfBuyWithOverflow,'') as WeighedAverageOfBuyWithOverflow

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_inc_dec.Inc_Dec, '') as Inc_Dec

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_inc_dec.[Old Cost],'') as [Old Cost]

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.StartDate, '') as StartDate

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Weight1, '') AS [1 Route %]

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Weight2, '') AS [2 Route %]

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Weight3, '') AS [3 Route %]

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Weight4, '') AS [R Route %]

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Weight5, '') AS

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Carrier_name0, '') as Carrier_name0

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Buy0,'') as Buy0

    , ISNULL(q_bcr_all.Remarks, '') as Remarks

    , ISNULL(tblDestinations.DestName, '') AS standard

    , ISNULL(q_TrafficVolumes_latest.TrafficVolume,'') as TrafficVolume

    , case ISNULL(tblDestinationsOrigins.PkDestID,0)

    when 0 then 'N'

    else 'Y'

    end AS [IBIS Available]

    , ISNULL(tblRegions.RName, '') as Region

    , ISNULL(tblAreaManagers.AmFirstName, '') as FirstName

    , q_bcr_all.MinimumPrice as MinimumPrice

    , BCRRedCost.RedCost AS RedCost

    , case q_bcr_all.CliGuarantee

    when 1 then 'Y'

    else 'N'

    end as CliGaurantee

    , case q_bcr_all.ZeroTolerance

    when 1 then 'Y'

    else 'N'

    end as ZeroTolerance

    , tblDestinations.DestIBISCode as [IBIS Code]

    FROM tblDestinations INNER JOIN tblRegions ON tblRegions.PkRId = tblDestinations.DestRId

    INNER JOIN tblAreaManagers ON tblAreaManagers.PkAmId = tblDestinations.DestAmId

    INNER JOIN ##TmpBCR_In_All as q_bcr_all ON tblDestinations.PkDestId = q_bcr_all.DestinationID

    INNER JOIN @tblRedCost AS BCRRedCost ON q_bcr_all.RouteID = BCRRedCost.RouteID

    LEFT JOIN tblOrigins ON q_bcr_all.Origin = tblOrigins.PKOriginID

    LEFT JOIN tblDestinationsOrigins ON tblDestinations.PkDestId = tblDestinationsOrigins.PkDestID AND

    q_bcr_all.Origin = tblDestinationsOrigins.PkOriginID

    LEFT JOIN ##Tmpbcr_averages_with_overflow as q_bcr_averages_with_overflow ON q_bcr_all.RouteId = q_bcr_averages_with_overflow.RouteID

    LEFT JOIN ##Tmpbcr_inc_dec as q_bcr_inc_dec ON q_bcr_all.RouteId = q_bcr_inc_dec.RouteID

    LEFT JOIN ##TmpTrafficVolumes_latest as q_TrafficVolumes_latest ON q_bcr_all.DestinationID = q_TrafficVolumes_latest.DestinationID AND

    q_bcr_all.Origin = q_TrafficVolumes_latest.Origin

    ORDER BY q_bcr_all.Origin, tblDestinations.DestName

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0 GOTO ERROR


    DROP TABLE ##TmpBCR_In_All

    DROP TABLE ##Tmpbcr_averages_with_overflow

    DROP TABLE ##Tmpbcr_inc_dec

    DROP TABLE ##TmpTrafficVolumes_latest

    RETURN @Err



    spid hostname blk dbname cmd waittype

    ------ ------------ ---- ---------- ---------------- --------

    101 BGC-GLNFSROB 0 DbCbuGbs SELECT INTO 0x0000

    Blocking process 101


    EventType Parameters EventInfo

    --------- ---------- ----------------------------

    RPC Event 0 dbo.UspGetListAllBCRRoutes;1

    spid db Obj IndId Type Resource Mode Status

    ------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------ ---- ---------------- -------- ------

    101 tempdb NULL 0 DB [BULK-OP-LOG] NULL GRANT

    101 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 DB S GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 DB [BULK-OP-DB] NULL GRANT

    101 tempdb sysobjects 0 TAB IX GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 0 TAB IX GRANT

    101 tempdb sysindexes 0 TAB IX GRANT

    101 tempdb sysindexes 1 KEY (2f0091cb7a37) X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT

    101 tempdb sysobjects 1 KEY (6800b41caa69) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (2403f25f8937) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (69002369165f) X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:421 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:420 X GRANT

    101 DbCbuGbs sp_msupg_dropcatalogcomputedco 0 RID 3:58:121 S GRANT

    101 DbCbuGbs sp_msupg_dosystabcatalogupgrad 0 PAG 3:536 S GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (89017ecb6e7a) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (f801dddfe6bf) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (7302adfa7cd8) X GRANT

    101 DbCbuGbs sp_msupg_dosystabcatalogupgrad 0 TAB IS GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (6b00a8a11ff5) X GRANT

    101 tempdb sysobjects 1 KEY (2f0023991097) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (d101374d2e95) X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (6a00cdc6a34d) X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (560200a83ecb) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (5001dbd94b02) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (3903f7202aa0) X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510348 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510349 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510350 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510351 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510345 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510346 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510347 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510356 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510357 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510358 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 EXT 1:510360 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510359 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510352 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510353 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510354 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510355 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510364 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510365 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 EXT 1:510352 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510366 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510367 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510360 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510361 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510362 X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 PAG 1:510363 X GRANT

    101 tempdb sysobjects 2 KEY (dc02ad5b4dd7) X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 IDX IDX: 2:149481886 X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (d2021ea3cb76) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (6f00ff367d7a) X GRANT

    101 DbCbuGbs sp_msupg_dropcatalogcomputedco 0 TAB S GRANT

    101 tempdb sysobjects 3 KEY (2f00569976d3) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (ce023a59f92a) X GRANT

    101 tempdb sysindexes 1 KEY (6800595ea894) X GRANT

    101 tempdb sysobjects 2 KEY (1e05f57999ee) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (7100cc41a29a) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (6d0074fe74d0) X GRANT

    101 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (1e01442ee7fd) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (3200f7385976) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (6c001199c868) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (7000a9261e22) X GRANT

    101 tempdb sysobjects 3 KEY (6800c11ccc2d) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (f6029f9b6d92) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (bb018f04e812) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (3100925fe5ce) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (30007cf050dc) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (33004e008eeb) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (720022ee1788) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (6e009a51c1c2) X GRANT

    101 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (cb025405274d) X GRANT

    Blocked process 104


    EventType Parameters EventInfo

    --------- ---------- ------------------------

    RPC Event 0 UspGetListAllBCRRoutes;1

    spid db Obj IndId Type Resource Mode Status

    ------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------ ---- ---------------- -------- ------

    104 DbCbuGbs NULL 0 DB S GRANT

    104 tempdb sysobjects 0 TAB IX GRANT

    104 tempdb syscolumns 0 TAB IX GRANT

    104 tempdb sysindexes 0 TAB IX GRANT

    104 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT

    104 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (be02996b99ba) X GRANT

    104 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (7d0094bc8011) X GRANT

    104 tempdb sysindexes 1 KEY (7a001745f322) X GRANT

    104 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (7c00f1db3ca9) X GRANT

    104 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (7e002d84578c) X GRANT

    104 tempdb NULL 0 TAB Sch-M GRANT

    104 tempdb syscolumns 1 KEY (7b001f7489bb) X GRANT

    104 tempdb sysobjects 2 KEY (1e05f57999ee) S WAIT

    104 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (410373214091) X GRANT

    104 tempdb sysobjects 1 KEY (7a00d1f44c87) X GRANT

    104 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (9b01b7286154) X GRANT

    104 DbCbuGbs xp_logevent 0 TAB IS GRANT

    104 tempdb syscolumns 2 KEY (1603b8bf0a4e) X GRANT


    ------------------- ---------

    # open transactions 3

  • Ludo,

    I think the problem may be centered around the select into statements, I have had similar problems in the past. Try creating the global tables and then using insert-- select. Also one thing I have found to help a lot of times for speed table variables is to assign a primary key to it. The most likely cause though is the select --into.


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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