Boost SQl Server priority on Windows

  • In SQL Server 2000 Properties/Processor

    there is an option

    "Boost SQl Server priority on Windows"

    Shall I turn this feature on?

  • Yes.

  • But what exactly this thing does?

    Details please.

  • It makes the SQL Server process run with a higher priority than other processes on the computer. This will make the OS to prioretize (give more time) to SQL Server when several processes compete for the resources.

    See "priority boost option" in BOL.


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Boost priority should only be used when the server is being used for multiple purposes (such as a web server and SQL server)

    The boost priority will only affect the SQL server when CPU usage is high, so should only be used if the server is running low on processing power.

    Chosing this option whe CPU usage is low or when there are no other services may cause SQL server to consume resources required by the operating system resulting in poor network performance, poor disk performance and difficulty shutting down applications and services.


  • It is recommended that you run your SQL Server on a dedicated server. If so there is no reason for boosting the SQL Server processes..

  • I used both options .I couldn't find great differences between checking the options or not.So I think it's safe to experiment with the option and decide what is best for you .

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