
  • Hi,

    I was wondering if anyone can give me a hint on how to add BUILTIN\Administrators to SQL 2008 logins. This login is not installed by default when I install SQL Server 2008.

    Many thanks indeed


  • why would you want to allow any windows server admin access to sql server as an admin?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks.

    Because it would be much easier for me than adding individual members manually and, therefore, I wanted to import the Builtin\adminstrators.

    Alternatively, I wanted to create a login for a group and then add this group into SQL 2008 login. Is there a means to do so?

    Thanks indeed


  • Niyala (12/4/2008)


    Because it would be much easier for me than adding individual members manually and, therefore, I wanted to import the Builtin\adminstrators.

    Alternatively, I wanted to create a login for a group and then add this group into SQL 2008 login. Is there a means to do so?

    Thanks indeed


    for a user to authenticate via builtin\admins they would have to be an admin on the server, you really dont want this.

    yes, create a windows group and put the users into this group. Then add this group as a login to sql server


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks.

    I will try to create a window group and try if it works the way I wanted to do. In spite of this it would be very interesting to know how to add the


    I did as follows:

    New login | Search | Groups |

    Under Advanced, I got a list, among which I could find "Administrators", but could not see anything like BUILTIN\Administrators. Where can I find this?

    I appreciate any clue.



  • Ensure you have selected groups in the object types of the user search box, select the domain and just type administrators - it will change to builtin/administrators when you select it.

    Most DBAs don't want this group added, it is better to create a new group with only those accounts you want and then add the new group as sysadm

  • Many thanks indeed.


  • I agree, I wouldn't want [BUILTIN\Administrators] in my new SQL Servers either

    It's one thing to control AD security, another for SQL

    It does prove to be painful at times, sometimes nobody can login into the SQL server if you got locked out 😛

    .... which I just did, trying to remove sysadmin and re-add it back to generate script .... gladly I have another domain account

    In 2005, it's added by SQL Install by default

    In 2008, it is NOT

    -- Login: BUILTIN\Administrators


    EXEC master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'BUILTIN\Administrators', @rolename = N'sysadmin'


    SQLServerNewbie MCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • If you do get locked out you can change a registry setting to make it mixed mode authentication but of course you need an 'sa' type of account and password as well.

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