Bulk insert

  • When I try to execute SP, which contains Bulk insert command, the contents of the file are processed  correctly. Later there is a graceful exit from the SP.

    However when the file can not be found, then the bulk insert terminates the SP/Batch and the error is not trapped. (I mean error number is not available in @@Error).

    Is there any way we can trap this error?

    Kindest Regards,


  • Same was happening with xp_cmdshell as well. But using no_output option did resolve the issue with xp_cmdshell.

    Any help in this regard is much appreciated.

    Kindest Regards,


  • you can use a xp_fileexists function to check whether the file exists or not(EXEC master..xp_fileexist 'c:\boot.ini') , it will return 3 columns , if file exists file exists column returns 1 and 0 if file not exists,

    example code:

    create table #fileinfo(

    FileExists bit , IsDirectory bit ,ParentDirectoryExists bit)

    Insert #fileinfo(FileExists,IsDirectory,ParentDirectoryExists)

    EXEC master..xp_fileexist 'c:\boot.ini'

    IF (select FileExists from #fileinfo) = 1


           BULKINSERT .....logic here




             raiserror ()....logic here...




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