Calculate Percentage of a column

  • I currently have a short script that counts the number of non_blanks for a field called Ethnic_Origin. The script is shown below.

    SELECT --LEFT(Provider_ID,3)AS Provider_ID

    COUNT(CASE WHEN Ethnic_Origin = '' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS Ethnicity_Coded







    FROM dbo.Acc_and_Emer_CMDS_Data

    WHERE Purchaser_ID LIKE '5K5%' AND month_of_attendance between '200804' AND '200903'

    How can I amend this script so that I can calculate the number of non_blanks/blanks as a percentage.

  • (COUNT(CASE WHEN Ethnic_Origin = '' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)/count(*))*100

  • I think this code COUNT(CASE WHEN Ethnic_Origin = '' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) will always return COUNT(*) instead of COUNT(NonBlanks). Change the function COUNT to SUM

    ( SUM( CASE WHEN Ethnic_Origin = '' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ) * 100.00 ) / COUNT( * )

    -- OR

    ( COUNT( CASE WHEN Ethnic_Origin = '' THEN NULL ELSE 1 END ) * 100.00 ) / COUNT( * )

    -- OR

    ( COUNT( NULLIF( Ethnic_Origin, '' ) ) * 100.00 ) / COUNT( * )


  • Many thanks. It works.

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