Calculate Running Total until sum reach input value

  • I am using SQL Server 2008 R2:

    I want to get the results set which are reached my threshold value at each account level. In my example my threshold value is 50

    I need best approach to get the accurate results with proper performance. As I red SQL 2012 have better approach and performance.

    Below is the sample query where I calculate running total using sub query:

    My sample threshold value is: 50, I gave expected results set also.


    DECLARE @CustomerOrders table


    id int,

    account NVARCHAR(20),

    deposit INT


    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(1,'AAA',10)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(2,'AAA',12)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(3,'AAA',15)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(4,'AAA',22)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(5,'AAA',13)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(6,'BBB',20)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(7,'BBB',33)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(8,'BBB',40)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(9,'CCC',10)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(10,'DDD',30)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(11,'DDD',40)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(12,'DDD',10)

    SELECT * FROM @CustomerOrders

    --- Query for running total

    SELECT ID, deposit,account,

    (SELECT SUM(deposit)

    FROM @CustomerOrders T2

    WHERE T2.ID <= T1.ID AND T2.account = T1.account) AS RunningTotal

    FROM @CustomerOrders T1


    ---Expected results:

    DECLARE @ExpectedResults table


    id int,

    account NVARCHAR(20),

    deposit INT ,

    runningTotal INT


    INSERT INTO @ExpectedResults Values(1,'AAA',10,10)

    INSERT INTO @ExpectedResults Values(2,'AAA',12,22)

    INSERT INTO @ExpectedResults Values(3,'AAA',15,37)

    INSERT INTO @ExpectedResults Values(4,'AAA',22,59)

    INSERT INTO @ExpectedResults Values(6,'BBB',20,20)

    INSERT INTO @ExpectedResults Values(6,'BBB',33,53)

    INSERT INTO @ExpectedResults Values(10,'DDD',30,30)

    INSERT INTO @ExpectedResults Values(11,'DDD',40,70)

    SELECT * FROM @ExpectedResults

    Thanks in advance


  • If you only care about which accounts have reached your defined threshold, you could just do something like this.

    DECLARE @CustomerOrders table


    id int,

    account NVARCHAR(20),

    deposit INT


    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(1,'AAA',10)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(2,'AAA',12)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(3,'AAA',15)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(4,'AAA',22)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(5,'AAA',13)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(6,'BBB',20)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(7,'BBB',33)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(8,'BBB',40)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(9,'CCC',10)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(10,'DDD',30)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(11,'DDD',40)

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(12,'DDD',10)

    SELECT account, SUM(deposit) AS Total

    FROM @CustomerOrders

    GROUP BY account

    HAVING SUM(deposit) >= 50

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • Hi,

    Thanks for reply.

    But I want results set which is reached my threshold value. I don't want all records in the table. But I want to display records when running total is reached my threshold value.

    Please refer @ExpectedResults in post.

    Thanks in advance,


  • This should do the trick...

    DECLARE @CustomerOrders table


    id int,

    account NVARCHAR(20),

    deposit INT


    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(1,'AAA',10);

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(2,'AAA',12);

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(3,'AAA',15);

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(4,'AAA',22);

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(5,'AAA',13);

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(6,'BBB',20);

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(7,'BBB',33);

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(8,'BBB',40);

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(9,'CCC',10);

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(10,'DDD',30);

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(11,'DDD',40);

    INSERT INTO @CustomerOrders Values(12,'DDD',10);

    -- The solution...


    cte_RunningTotal AS (





    OverLimit = CASE WHEN rt.OverLimit IS NOT NULL THEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY rt.OverLimit ORDER BY rt.RunningTotal) END ,

    MaxDeposit = SUM(co1.deposit) OVER (PARTITION BY co1.account)


    @CustomerOrders co1



    RunningTotal = SUM(co2.deposit),

    OverLimit = CASE WHEN SUM(co2.deposit) >= 50 THEN MIN(co2.account) END


    @CustomerOrders co2


    co1.account = co2.account

    AND >=

    ) rt







    cte_RunningTotal rt


    rt.OverLimit = 1 OR rt.OverLimit IS NULL

    AND rt.MaxDeposit >= 50


  • Thank you very much. It is working as I expected.

    But If have lot of records, for example in my data-set I have 500 thousand records. The query is taking very very long time.



  • vijaykumar587 (12/18/2015)

    Thank you very much. It is working as I expected.

    But If have lot of records, for example in my data-set I have 500 thousand records. The query is taking very very long time.



    Yea... I wouldn't expect the performance of any query that uses a triangular join to be an outstanding performer. That said, making sure you have appropriate indexes should help quite a bit.

    If you don'y already have if... Try creating a nonclustered index on the customer table... AccountID & ID (in that order) would be the key columns and Deposit as an included column.

    That should give you the optimal performance.

  • vijaykumar587 (12/18/2015)

    Thank you very much. It is working as I expected.

    But If have lot of records, for example in my data-set I have 500 thousand records. The query is taking very very long time.



    Do you have anything like a transaction date column in the table to identify when the transaction took place? I ask because I have a method that will do this for you in just a couple of seconds and I need to know about the date column so that I can setup 500,000 rows of test data to demonstrate how to use it and how fast it is.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

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