Calculated Columns - decimal

  • Hi, I have the following script and need to get the final row to show as a % reduction (ROTT) of the first column.

    count_of_referrals specialty ref_date_Week_Comencing_Date ROTT revised_percent

    1 ACS 2012-04-02 20 20.00

    27 AE 2012-01-30 20 20.00

    28 AE 2011-08-29 20 20.00

    Example Row 3 = 28 Count of reverals less a reduction of 20 % (ROTT), I would expect to see 22.4 in last.

    declare @rott int;

    set @rott = 20;

    select COUNT (*) as count_of_referrals,


    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 0, referreddate_dte), 0), 23) AS ref_date_Week_Comencing_Date,

    @rott as ROTT,

    (@rott * CAST(1- (@rott/100) AS decimal(10, 2))) as revised_percent[/color]FROM inf.vw_IXP_PSNEW_OPWL

    WHERE referreddate_dte >= GETDATE () -365-- and specialty in (@spec)

    group by specialty, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 0, referreddate_dte), 0), 23)

    order by specialty

  • We are going to need more information to really help. Please post the DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) for the table(s) used in the query, sample data (as a series of INSERT INTO statements), the expected results based on the sample data.

  • Sql integer division: int / int =int, not the decimal you are expecting.

    Change @rott /100.0 and it should work as expected.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Hi

    Thanks for the reply. It works but assigns the same value to every row. I think now i have my query structure wrong.

    Below is a sample data table script and my query to run against it.

    What I need to see it what ever is assigned to @ROTT (in this case 20 ie:20%) i need to calculated the following to show in the last column. ie: Count_of_refferals - 20%

    Row 1 shows Count_of_refferals = 7, I would expect to see 5.6 in the last row. (20% reduction)

    Row 2 shows Count_of_refferals = 5, I would expect to see 4.0 in the last row. (20% reduction)

    Sample data and current script below.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    CREATE TABLE PS_TestForOnline


    specialty VARCHAR (50),

    ref_date_Week_Comencing_Date VARCHAR (50)


    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline


    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline


    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline


    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline


    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline


    declare @rott int;

    set @rott = 20;

    select COUNT (*) as count_of_referrals,



    @rott as ROTT,

    (@rott * (1- (@rott/100.0) )) as THIS_SHOULD_SHOW_20_PERCENT_OF_COL_A_FOR_EACH_ROW

    FROM PS_TestForOnline

    group by specialty, ref_date_Week_Comencing_Date

    order by specialty, ref_date_Week_Comencing_Date

    drop table PS_TestForOnline

  • you need to calcualte the counts, and apply the ROTT calculation to that;

    by simply wrapping the grouping as a subquery, this gives you what you are after:

    select @rott as ROTT,

    (count_of_referrals * (1- (@rott/100.0) )) as THIS_SHOULD_SHOW_20_PERCENT_OF_COL_A_FOR_EACH_ROW,


    FROM (

    select COUNT (*) as count_of_referrals,



    FROM PS_TestForOnline

    group by specialty, ref_date_Week_Comencing_Date

    ) myAlias

    order by specialty, ref_date_Week_Comencing_Date

    drop table PS_TestForOnline


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Try this:

    CREATE TABLE PS_TestForOnline


    specialty VARCHAR (50),

    ref_date_Week_Comencing_Date VARCHAR (50)


    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('AE' ,'2011-06-06');

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline


    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline


    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline


    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline


    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline


    declare @rott int;

    set @rott = 20;

    WITH BaseData AS (


    COUNT (*) as count_of_referrals,



    @rott as ROTT



    group by









    count_of_referrals * (1- (@rott/100.0) ) as THIS_SHOULD_SHOW_20_PERCENT_OF_COL_A_FOR_EACH_ROW



    order by specialty, ref_date_Week_Comencing_Date


    drop table PS_TestForOnline

  • Many Thanks, Works a treat.

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