Calculated fields

  • Is it proper database design to store calculated fields in a table.

    Thank You

  • Depends on the situation and how you store it. What is your need at this point?

  • I will be calculating a couple of monetary sales goals based on a predefined percentage of previous years sales for each customer.

    Could you explain when it would be appropriate and when it would not be and why.

    Your input is greatly appreciated.

  • IMHO, Initially I would say no that would not be a great place to use a calculated field. But again I guess it depends. Do you store the previous years sales in a field on the customer table?

    if no, and this value has to be calculated, then I would stick to my original answer. If yes, it would be okay to have a calculated column. I always try to minimized the overhead a calcuated column would have, if its an inline calculation thats fine, outside of that, it is alot of pain to the db.

    But say you have a Birthdate field, and you want a calculated filed for Age, that would be appropriate.

    my $.02


  • My rule of thumb is this.

    If the field is calculated, accessed often but with a value that never/rarely changes, you can keep it in the db. The best exemple is the amount of a bill. We could recalculate it everytime but we don't need to as the amount won't change unless we change the order. If the field is accessed only once a month for reporting, then you can calculate on the fly (or keep it in a calculated column so that the server can do it for you when needed). The last case is when the data changes often, then just recalculate when you select/present the data (like for stock exchange).

    This is jsut a very global generalisation that will need to be changed on a case by case basis, but that'll get you started.

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