Calculated Members Slow to Display in Excel 2003 PivotTable

  • Hi,

    I am using an Excel PivotTable to view an Analysis Services 2005 Cube. The cube has a number of standard measures and one calculated member. When I view the cube in Excel 2000, all measures load instantly. However when I use Excel 2003 and drag the calculated member into the PivotTable's data area, it takes a couple of minutes to refresh. The other standard measures refresh instantly. So it appears that something within Excel 2003 is struggling to refresh calculated members.

    Has anyone experienced any similar problems? And are there any suggestions for a way around this problem (apart from not using calculated members!)? I am unable to replace this calculated member with a standard measure, as it is a percentage and I don't want it to aggregate in the standard way.

    Any help is much appreciated. Thanks, Matt

  • Hi Matt,

    I had a problem of delay in retrieving calculated measures in Excel 2003. i am using Analysis services 2000. in calculated measure properties there is a property called Non Empty Behaviour property

    which i set it to the measure that is being referenced in calculated measure.

    this helped in refreshing the reports very fast.

    please check if there is something similar in AS 2005.

    hope this helps



  • Yes 2005 does have this option. I haven't been able to try it out yet on Excel 2003 but it sounds very promising. Thanks!

  • Unfortunately this hasn't helped - the Excel 2003 response time is still the same. Has anyone else got calculated members working in Excel 2003?

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