Calculating percentages of total

  • Is there a more straightforward way to accomplish the following:

    For each value in the column, I need to calculate a percentage of times this value occurs both relative to the total count of recrods and a subset of records

    For example, let's say I have a table of car registrations in the U.S. states. I want to know the percentage of registrations by brand for California and for all states including California.

    create table #Cars (CarModel varchar(50), RegState char(2), OtherStuff varchar(10))

    insert into #Cars

    values ('Ford', 'CA', 'xxx1'),

    ('Ford', 'WY', 'xxx2'),

    ('Ford', 'NY', 'xxx'),

    ('Honda', 'NY', 'xxx3'),

    ('Honda', 'CA', 'xxx3'),

    ('Honda', 'CA', 'xxx4')

    So given this table:

    CarModel RegState OtherStuff

    Ford CA xxx1

    Ford WY xxx2

    Ford NY xxx

    Honda NY xxx3

    Honda CA xxx3

    Honda CA xxx4

    I need to get

    Brand CA US

    Ford 33% 50%

    Honda 66% 50%

    I came up with this, which works

    select CarModel, CA, US



    SELECT area = 'CA',


    Prcnt = 100.0 * COUNT(*)/(select COUNT(*) from #Cars where RegState = 'CA')

    FROM #cars

    where RegState = 'CA'

    group by CarModel

    union all

    SELECT area = 'US',


    Prcnt = 100.0 * COUNT(*)/(select COUNT(*) from #Cars)

    FROM #cars

    group by CarModel

    ) rt

    pivot (sum(Prcnt) for area in (CA, US)) as pvt

    order by CarModel

    But I have a sneaking suspicion that there is a simpler way of doing this. Is there?


  • I'm leaving the office now, but here's another option:

    DECLARE @Total float,

    @Total2 float

    SELECT @Total = COUNT( *),

    @Total2 = COUNT( CASE WHEN regstate = 'CA' THEN regstate END )

    FROM #Cars

    SELECT c.CarModel,

    (COUNT( CASE WHEN regstate = 'CA' THEN regstate END ) / @Total2) * 100,

    (COUNT( regstate) / @Total) * 100

    FROM #Cars c

    GROUP BY c.CarModel

    Luis C.
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  • Well, sheesh, way to make it simple! I was having such fun with my pivots! 😀

    Thanks, Luis.

  • With slightly more complicated code, you can limit to one table scan, eliminate the need for variables, and make it a bit easier to do all of the States as well as the U.S. column.


    ctePreAgg AS


    SELECT Brand = CarModel,


    BrandStateCount = COUNT(*)*100.0,

    StateCount = SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER (PARTITION BY RegState),


    FROM #Cars

    GROUP BY CarModel, RegState


    SELECT Brand,

    CA = MAX(CASE WHEN RegState = 'CA' THEN BrandStateCount/StateCount ELSE 0 END),

    NY = MAX(CASE WHEN RegState = 'NY' THEN BrandStateCount/StateCount ELSE 0 END),

    WY = MAX(CASE WHEN RegState = 'WY' THEN BrandStateCount/StateCount ELSE 0 END),

    US = SUM(BrandStateCount)/MAX(USCount)

    FROM ctePreAgg

    GROUP BY Brand


    In fact, now it could be turned into dynamic SQL so that if you added States or car models, it would automatically "heal" itself and return the correct information.

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