Calculating the Running Sum Conditionally

  • Hi guys / gals,

    I am trying to calculate the running sum conditionally; basically if the running sum exceeds the value for 100, it restarts from 0 again.

    Anyone can share their thoughts on how best to achieve the desired result?

    The running sum is calculate on the field named Amnt in the sample data below:


    Serial INT IDENTITY,

    TransactionNo INT,

    Amnt INT


    INSERT INTO #t(TransactionNo, Amnt)

    SELECT 456745, 45 UNION ALL

    SELECT 578433,34 UNION ALL


    SELECT 299009,68 UNION ALL

    SELECT 74566,5 UNION ALL

    SELECT 754556,6 UNION ALL

    SELECT 36333,95 UNION ALL

    SELECT 128378,56 UNION ALL

    SELECT 89965,29 UNION ALL

    SELECT 82553,4


  • You could use the famous "quirky update" method for running totals:

    DECLARE @RunningTotal INT

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #t


    Serial INT IDENTITY,

    TransactionNo INT,

    Amnt INT,

    RunningTotal INT


    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_t_Serial ON #t (Serial)

    INSERT INTO #t(TransactionNo, Amnt)

    SELECT 456745, 45 UNION ALL

    SELECT 578433,34 UNION ALL


    SELECT 299009,68 UNION ALL

    SELECT 74566,5 UNION ALL

    SELECT 754556,6 UNION ALL

    SELECT 36333,95 UNION ALL

    SELECT 128378,56 UNION ALL

    SELECT 89965,29 UNION ALL

    SELECT 82553,4

    SET @RunningTotal = 0

    UPDATE #t

    SET @RunningTotal = RunningTotal = CASE WHEN @RunningTotal + Amnt > 100 THEN Amnt ELSE @RunningTotal + Amnt END



    The code relies on the clustered index order to update the table propagating the values from the previous rows to the following ones.

    There's a great article by Jeff Moden describing this tachnique, but it's under rewrite. I suggest you take a look at it anyway: there's a .sql file attached to it that describes what goes on very well.



    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks for yoiur post Santori.. it was really helpful.

    Any othe ideas / suggestions still welcome 🙂

    Thank you

  • Thanks for yoiur post Santori.. it was really helpful.

    Any othe ideas / suggestions still welcome 🙂

    Thank you

  • I'm a beginner but, what about this:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #t


    Serial INT IDENTITY,

    TransactionNo INT,

    Amnt INT,

    RunningTotal INT


    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_t_Serial ON #t (Serial)

    INSERT INTO #t(TransactionNo, Amnt)

    SELECT 456745, 45 UNION ALL

    SELECT 578433,34 UNION ALL


    SELECT 299009,68 UNION ALL

    SELECT 74566,5 UNION ALL

    SELECT 754556,6 UNION ALL

    SELECT 36333,95 UNION ALL

    SELECT 128378,56 UNION ALL

    SELECT 89965,29 UNION ALL

    SELECT 82553,4

    declare @serial int

    declare @amt int

    declare @rtotal int

    declare cursor_sum cursor for

    select serial, amnt from #t

    open cursor_sum

    fetch next from cursor_sum

    into @serial, @amt

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @rtotal = case when isnull(@rtotal,0) > 100 then @amt else isnull(@rtotal,0) + @amt end

    update #t set runningtotal = @rtotal

    where serial = @serial

    print @rtotal

    fetch next from cursor_sum

    into @serial, @amt


    close cursor_sum

    deallocate cursor_sum

    select * from #t

    Serial TransNo Amnt Running Total

    1 456745 45 45

    2 578433 34 79

    3 347 12 91

    4 299009 68 159

    5 74566 5 5

    6 754556 6 11

    7 36333 95 106

    8 128378 56 56

    9 89965 29 85

    10 82553 4 89

  • Maria, thanks for posting your code.

    The cursor based solution works well and reliably, but could become too slow when the table becomes really large. Cursor based solutions don't scale well, while set based solutions generally perform way better.

    Jeff Moden's quirky update is a "hack" to perform something that can't generally be done in a set based way combining set based code with an internal pseudo-cursor. I love this solution and I suggest you give it a try over a very large table: you'll be impressed by the performance.



    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Maria,

    You might also take a look at this thread, which shows another application of the quirky update and compares it to other methods.

    While a lot of it might be a bit over your head as yet, it discusses the method heavily and shows other means of achieving the same goals, as well as the pros and cons involved in each.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

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