
  • I have some values in a table that need calculations performing on them as follows;
    Date    Tag  Value
    1/1/2018  X   2
    1/1/2018  A   3
    1/1/2018  B   4
    1/1/2018  C   5
    1/2/2018  X   5
    1/2/2018  A   31
    1/2/2018  B   42
    1/2/2018  C   53

    The caculation needs to be at the day level so for 1/1/2018

    calcA = X*A = 2*3 = 6
    calcB = X*B = 2*4 = 8
    calcC = X*C = 2*5 = 10

    and for 1/2/2018

    calcA = X*A = 2*31 = 62
    calcB = X*B = 2*42 = 84
    calcC = X*C = 2*53 = 106

    How do I structure the query to achieve this?


  • Stephen Yale - Wednesday, April 18, 2018 2:29 PM

    I have some values in a table that need calculations performing on them as follows;
    Date    Tag  Value
    1/1/2018  X   2
    1/1/2018  A   3
    1/1/2018  B   4
    1/1/2018  C   5
    1/2/2018  X   5
    1/2/2018  A   31
    1/2/2018  B   42
    1/2/2018  C   53

    The caculation needs to be at the day level so for 1/1/2018

    calcA = X*A = 2*3 = 6
    calcB = X*B = 2*4 = 8
    calcC = X*C = 2*5 = 10

    and for 1/2/2018

    calcA = X*A = 2*31 = 62
    calcB = X*B = 2*42 = 84
    calcC = X*C = 2*53 = 106

    How do I structure the query to achieve this?


    I am unable to see why your 'X' value for 1/2/2018 is 2, and not 5.
    So, assuming that it is 5, the following SQL will do the trick
    CREATE TABLE #Data (
      [Date] DATE  NOT NULL
    , Tag  CHAR(1) NOT NULL
    , Value INT  NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO #Data ( [Date], Tag, Value )
      ( '1/1/2018', 'X', 2 )
      , ( '1/1/2018', 'A', 3 )
      , ( '1/1/2018', 'B', 4 )
      , ( '1/1/2018', 'C', 5 )
      , ( '1/2/2018', 'X', 5 )
      , ( '1/2/2018', 'A', 31 )
      , ( '1/2/2018', 'B', 42 )
      , ( '1/2/2018', 'C', 53 );

    WITH cteX AS (
    SELECT *
    FROM #Data
    WHERE Tag = 'X'
    , cteOther AS (
    SELECT *
    FROM #Data
    WHERE Tag != 'X'
    , Formula = QUOTENAME(x.Tag) + ' * ' + QUOTENAME(o.Tag)
    , FormulaValues = QUOTENAME(x.Value) + ' * ' + QUOTENAME(o.Value)
    , Result = x.Value * o.Value
    FROM cteX AS x
         SELECT d.*
         FROM #Data AS d
         WHERE d.[Date] = x.[Date]
          AND d.Tag != 'X'
        ) AS o;

  • Yes it should have been 5.
    I should have also said how I want the results! I can just union together

    Date    Tag    Value
    1/1/2018    A    3
    1/1/2018    B    4
    1/1/2018    C    5
    1/1/2018    calcA    6
    1/1/2018    calcB    8
    1/1/2018    calcC    10
    1/1/2018    X    2
    1/2/2018    A    31
    1/2/2018    B    42
    1/2/2018    C    53
    1/2/2018    calcA    62
    1/2/2018    calcB    84
    1/2/2018    calcC    106
    1/2/2018    X    5
    Thank you for you swift reply!


  • Stephen Yale - Wednesday, April 18, 2018 3:15 PM

    Yes it should have been 5.
    I should have also said how I want the results! I can just union together

    Date    Tag    Value
    1/1/2018    A    3
    1/1/2018    B    4
    1/1/2018    C    5
    1/1/2018    calcA    6
    1/1/2018    calcB    8
    1/1/2018    calcC    10
    1/1/2018    X    2
    1/2/2018    A    31
    1/2/2018    B    42
    1/2/2018    C    53
    1/2/2018    calcA    62
    1/2/2018    calcB    84
    1/2/2018    calcC    106
    1/2/2018    X    5
    Thank you for you swift reply!


    WITH cteX AS (
    SELECT *
    FROM #Data
    WHERE Tag = 'X'
    SELECT [Date], Tag, Value
    FROM #Data AS o
    , Tag = 'calc' + c.Tag
    , Value = x.Value * c.Value
    FROM cteX AS x
      SELECT d.*
      FROM #Data AS d
      WHERE d.[Date] = x.[Date]
      AND d.Tag != 'X'
      ) AS c;

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