Called Microsoft

  • I called Microsoft and was on phone with them for 6 hours yesterday. They were not able to give me an explanantion. They turned around and said that, this is the way, SQL 2005 is designed to work.

    I still do not agree with Microsoft because, one of my friend who works for another IT firm do have SQL 2005 and he says that SQL 2005 should allocate all the available memory. If maximum 14 gigs of memory is configured on SQL SERVER, SQL should utlize every bit of it.

    If any one has corrected the issue, please let me know, i shall be eager to know the solution.

    [font=Arial]Prakash Bhojegowda MCSE, MCSA (SQL2012)[/font]

  • Maybe you should explain the issue a bit more from your side. It's not quite clear what you called about and what the symptoms are.

  • Also, what edition of SQL are you running (standard, enterprise, ...), 32 bit or 64 bit? What service pack?

    What memory switches are present in boot.ini

    What's you min memory setting? What's your max?

    If maximum 14 gigs of memory is configured on SQL SERVER, SQL should utlize every bit of it.

    Not necessarily. SQL will allocate memory = min server memory. After that, if it needs more it will allocate more, up to the max server memory setting. (assuming a 64 bit architecture here)

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Version of SQL is : 2005 EE + SP2 32 bit

    Min memory is 2 Gigs, Max Mem is 14 Gigs.

    Memory utilization of SQL Server in the perfomance counter is 28 MB

    [font=Arial]Prakash Bhojegowda MCSE, MCSA (SQL2012)[/font]

  • Which performance counter?

    What's the problem? That you believe it should be using 14 GB?

    Is the /pae switch in the boot.ini file?

    Is AWE enabled in SQL?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • yes both AWE and /PAE are enable.


    In SQL Performance Counter:


    Target Server Memory(KB) is not equal to tOTAL sERVER mEMORY(kb)

    [font=Arial]Prakash Bhojegowda MCSE, MCSA (SQL2012)[/font]

  • The OS plays a role in determining how much memory SQL Server will use. My experience has shown that SQL Server 2005 will use as much memory as it needs but it won't necessarily allocate the memory you've told it to use at startup unless there is some load on the server.

  • Hi,

    It is recommended to grant the SQL service account the OS privilege "Lock pages in memory". By doing this you are preventing the OS from swapping SQL's memory pages to disk and allowing SQL itself to reduce it's working set when the OS requires it to do so. This should give you a performance benefit under tight memory situations. One of the odd results of using "lock pages in memory" is that we will use the AWE api to map the virtual address space into and out of physical memory (in fact the "lock pages in memory" privilege is a requirement for using AWE with 32bit). As a result the "AWE allocated" value from dbcc memorystatus will show a value, indicating that AWE is enabled even though it is disabled in sp_configure.

    You will have reboot your server after granting access to sql service id.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Mahesh R. Shinde

    MCITP - SQL 2005

  • Have you set the maximum memory on SQL Server? You would want to set the maximum SQL Server can have to at least 1 Gig lower than your server memory so you don't starve your operating system.

  • Thanks for the all the above suggestions. They have been done. But still SQL is not utilizing more than 28 MB of memory.

    Min memory is set to 2 Gigs

    Max server memory is set to 14 Gigs.

    [font=Arial]Prakash Bhojegowda MCSE, MCSA (SQL2012)[/font]

  • What are you looking at to tell you the amount of memory SQL Server is using? If I recall 1 of the perf counters doesn't report the value accurately. If you open task manager in the server what does it show the page file usage at?

  • You can check to see if awe is really enabled by executing sp_configure and looking at the "awe enabled" row. Look at both the config_value and run_value. What are they? If run_value is 0, then awe is really not enabled yet.

  • AWE is enabled

    [font=Arial]Prakash Bhojegowda MCSE, MCSA (SQL2012)[/font]

  • GilaMonster (5/7/2008)

    Also, what edition of SQL are you running (standard, enterprise, ...), 32 bit or 64 bit? What service pack?

    What memory switches are present in boot.ini

    What's you min memory setting? What's your max?

    If maximum 14 gigs of memory is configured on SQL SERVER, SQL should utlize every bit of it.

    Not necessarily. SQL will allocate memory = min server memory. After that, if it needs more it will allocate more, up to the max server memory setting. (assuming a 64 bit architecture here)

    Actually - I had a different understanding. You usually have a better grip on this than I, so perhaps you can set me straight.

    I thought the min memory setting had nothing to do with startup value for RAM. SQL Server starts up grabbing whatever memory it needs to start (which could be either bigger or smaller than min memory). It only acts as a low-water mark once memory usage pushes past min memory setting; so - the memory doesn't have to reach or go over the min memory setting, but it won't go back below the min memory setting once it exceeds it until the server is restarted.

    So - once the server starts up - the mem usage would progressively increase until it reaches the min memory setting, at which point it might fluctuate up or down between the min and the max, until the service is restarted.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Umm... I may not be recalling this correctly, but I haven't seen anyone ask what Server OpSys is in use, and I did see the indication that SQL Server is 32-bit, which would suggest the OpSys is W2K3 32-bit, and I was thinking that 32-bit Windows operating systems can only allocate a maximum of 2 GIG to any given process, with a maximum total RAM of 4 GIG. Do I have that right, or is that info out of date?


    (aka smunson)


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