Can columns in a report be reordered programmatically?

  • I have a need to be able to change the order of the columns from within a .Net application. We have reports generated in the application from our reporting server. An example column set from a generated report:

    Date Time Name Addr

    Now, we want to be able to have an option in our .Net app that allows the report to be generated the next time as:

    Name Addr Date Time

    I have a feeling this forum is going to be my new home away from home.

  • My first thought would be to pull the RDL file into memory and manipulate it then save and call the report. Since they're nothing more than XML files, I'm sure it can be done. But I don't have much experience using XML.



    Just a thought.


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • That was the only idea I could come up with, but then I wasn't sure how to do that, as the reports reside on the report server. I would need (I think) to pull the report down from the server, edit the XML, then republish it back up to the server. I can handle the XML part, but the rest I'm not sure how to do.

  • I can't help you there, I've only just started .NET ...


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • Hmm...if you have access to the SP you could create a temp table which includes an OrderBy Column. Then you pass in a parameter to the SP building the report, use that parameter to populate the OrderBy column, and always have the returnset ordered by the OrderBy column.


    Rick Todd

  • If you fetch your data from a stored procedure, it could return the columns moved into the ordering you want.

    You could have a second data source to tell you the ordering of the columns you want and use a function in the Code section of the report to return the right value.

    Or, you could do it in code, but that would be slow at run time, it usually takes several seconds to establish a connection to talk to the reporting server. Here's some C# that I use to talk with the reporting server.

    After connecting to the WSDL via Add Web Reference. Mine is called SRSReportServer in the code below.  Add a using for System.Web.Services.Protocols so you can get any error messages

    using System.Web.Services.Protocols; // to get SOAP exception classes

    In your code establish a connection to the reporting web service

    SRSReportServer.ReportingService TemplateSRSServerRS = new SRSReportServer.ReportingService(); // our connection to the reporting server

    TemplateSRSServerRS.Url = @"http://" + txtTemplateSRSServer.Text + "/ReportServer/ReportService.asmx"; // Connect to the SRS server with current credentials



     TemplateSRSServerRS.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;


    catch (Exception e)

    { handle any errors }

    To put the report into the SRS server you just create it. 

    TemplateSRSServerRS.CreateReport("ReportName", "/MyReports/Work", true, ThisReportDefinition, null);

        "ReportName" is the name as you want it to appear in the report web page, and refer to it in code by

        "/MyReports/Work" is the path you want it in your reporting server.  Note forward slashes for pathing

        True - Overwrite flag

        ThisReportDefinition  is the bytearray containing the report XML

        null - this is a collection of properties that you want placed on the report

    Then you may need to relink the data sources

    DataSourceReference reference = new DataSourceReference();

    reference.Reference = NewDataSourceName;

    ds.Item = (DataSourceDefinitionOrReference) reference;

    ds.Name = OldDataSourceName;

    dataSources[0] = ds;

    TemplateSRSServerRS.SetReportDataSources(SRSDirectory + SRSName, dataSources);

    The BOL for Reporting Service has all the details on the individual reporting service calls you can make and some sample code to get you started.

  • Are you using Reporting Services 2005?  I just read an article by Vincent Rainardi on new Reporting Services 2005 features (posted on 6/14/2007) that says it now supports interactive sorting.  It doesn't really answer your question but might be an option you could use.

    If all else fails, head for the beach!

    Kathy Goad

  • The code I posted is for 2000, haven't had an opportunity to look at the setup for 2005 yet.

  • I was poking around a little and found a sproc:



    It is in the ReportingServices Database.  Unfortunately I can't do more investigation with my current setup but it may lead you down the path you want.

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