Can DTS process an OLAP cube on another server?

  • Is it possible for a DTS package to process olap cubes on a different server?

    We have SQL Server 2000 installed on one server (25), and Analysis Server on a different server (24).  When I add a OLAP task in DTS on server 25, I cannot seem to change the olap server in the task to anything other than "LOCALHOST" or the named server "25".  So I am presuming that there is not a way to process a cube on another server.

    Am I correct?



  • I too have yet to find a way to see other servers in the tree list. However, if you're exporting the DTS package to other environments, LOCAL SERVER is your best option, IMHO. Otherwise, you have to edit each Analysis Services Processing task after importing the DTS package to the other server. Depending on the number of DTS packages and Analysis Services Processing tasks you have, this could become a deployment nightmare. By using LOCAL SERVER, no edit is required after the import.


    You could create a DTS package on the OLAP server that only processes the cube. Then create an Execute Package task on your other [DTS] server. When defining the Package Execution task on the DTS server, select the OLAP server before selecting the DTS package to be executed. Now when you select the DTS package to be executed, it will display those on the OLAP server you selected rather than those on the local [DTS] server where you're defining the task/DTS package.


    You may also have noticed that the Analysis Services Processing task icon is not available to a DTS package unless Analysis Services is installed on the server where you're creating the DTS package.


    Hope this helps.

  • We have done this. The servers are part of the same domain and the target server is registered in the source servers analysis manager. When you click on Analysis services task you can choose the server to perfom the task on (in the left hand pane) . Connectivity between the two servers is ODBC with Integrated windows security.




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  • Yes, that works.   I had a problem trying to register the AS server from the SQL Server, but this was because the AS server was at a lesser service pack (SP1) than the SQL Server (SP2). Apparently, the different service packs do not play well together.



  • How can we process a AS cube from a system that doesnot have SQL AS installed? is it possible to do this.

    my requirement is to create a vb package and deploy it on the production systems where the team will process cubes and dimensions. Can this be done without installing AS on each client system?

    thanks in advance


  • MS_SQL Analysis Services must be installed on the machine that is doing the cube processing.

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