can i get these results with out temp table

  • SELECT college_id,department_id,student_id,SUM(marks) as SUM

    FROM student a INNER JOIN college

    ON a.college_id=b.college_id

    GROUP BY college_id,department_id

    Say the above query returns the following values


    college_id  student_id  marks

    111111111   567  487

    111111111   678         438

    111111111   784         398

    111111111   651  491

    111111111   391  372

    and I need to get the max and min value of the marks given above.

    So I am doing the following things

    SELECT college_id,department_id,student_id,SUM(marks) as SUM

    INTO #temp

    FROM student a INNER JOIN college

    ON a.college_id=b.college_id

    GROUP BY college_id,department_id

    SELECT * #temp

    SELECT MAX(sum),MIN(SUM) FROM #temp

    I need both the above results. SO can i do this without using temp table.

  • Select Min(dtMM.marks) as MinM, Max(dtMM.marks) as MaxM from


    SELECT college_id,department_id,student_id,SUM(marks) as SUM

    FROM student a INNER JOIN college

    ON a.college_id=b.college_id

    GROUP BY college_id,department_id

    ) dtMM

  • I need to get all the result set and max ,min values,not only max and min.

    SELECT * #temp

    SELECT MAX(sum),MIN(SUM) FROM #temp.

    I need results of both the results without using temp table.

  • How are you gonna use that??

    I would keep the original select, then use output parameters for the 2 others... or use the reporting tools to get those values.

  • Do it at Client side !

    * Noel

  • SELECT college_id,department_id,student_id,SUM(marks) as SUM

    INTO #temp

    FROM student a INNER JOIN college

    ON a.college_id=b.college_id

    GROUP BY college_id,department_id

    SELECT * #temp

    SELECT MAX(sum),MIN(SUM) FROM #temp


    I am doing as above instead as shown below.

    SELECT college_id,department_id,student_id,SUM(marks) as SUM

    FROM student a INNER JOIN college

    ON a.college_id=b.college_id

    GROUP BY college_id,department_id


    SELECT college_id,department_id,student_id,SUM(marks) as SUM

    FROM student a INNER JOIN college

    ON a.college_id=b.college_id

    GROUP BY college_id,department_id)a

     But I read about the temp tables that they would  hurt the performance and should not be used unless they are required. IN this case I felt that temp table is required and used it.I thought that instead of selecting the same data two times (as shown in second case),select the result into a temp table and then work with temp table.Do u think that it will effect the performance of my application.



  • If we got 100 bucks everytime we said that .

  • Yep,

    When a man is shown how to use a hammer, suddenly all problems look like nails


    * Noel

  • Glad we didn't show 'em how to use the sledge hammer.


  • My understanding is that the main problem is not temp tables as such but SELECT INTO #temp because that takes locks on the tempdb system tables while the select is running. You should use CREATE #temp ... and then INSERT INTO #temp ...

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