Can I round int Up?

  • I am getting an average in a group by.  The number stored as an int.  It is currently rounding down.  Can I have it round up? If so how?




  • Is it really rounding down? Integers don't have decimal places so:

    1.23 as an integer will be 1

    it just drops the decimals.

    Suggestion: CONVERT or CAST the integers to DECIMAL, then find the average. Leave the result as a DECIMAL or round the result up and CONVERT or CAST it back to an integer.


  • Here is an example.

    (174 + 231)/2=202.5

    The users want this represented as 203.  If I take the 202.5 and convert it to int it simply drops of the .5 and the result is 202.

    Is there a clean way to get 202.5 converted to an int with a result of 203?


    This should work for you


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Thanks allot AJ!  That is exactly what I was needing.

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