Can i run a Access procedure/functions from the sql server.

  • how can i do it from the dts?

  • I'm no expert in this but you can use the import wizard to find out how :

    Right click on the db in which you want to import the data

    -- All task

    -- Import data

    -- Next

    Select microsoft access as the source, then enter the path of the db and login info if needed

    then select the target db on sql server

    copy one or more tables or views from the source database

    select which tables you need to transfer.

    then on the bottom of that screen You'll see save teh dts lot, check that option (uncheck the execute immediatly if you don't want to do the transfer)

    enter the dts lot name and password info, next, next

    This will give you a dts package that imports the tables, then you'll see how it's done.

  • Thanks alot Anyway Its not what i meant


  • Lital,

    What are you trying to do in terms of final results?  What updates do you wish to make to the Access tables? 

    For example are you trying to log the results of an import/export?  Are you generating a reporting database?

    The more info that you can give us the better advice you will recieve!

  • running internal access function from sql server dts.

  • We're gonna say this one more time. There's no point in mixing both technologies, you either work from sql server or from access, whereever the data is. There's no point in having the data in access, the macros/functions in access and calling from sql server.

    Can EXPLAIN what you are trying to do and why you think you need to use functions from dts?

  • Lital,

    Take a look at to see some of the good things that you can do with a DTS job.  You may be able to find something of use. 

    From the little I've read about what you are trying to do, I don't think that there is any reason that your Access macro cannot be converted to a DTS VB Script.


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