Can not able to Modify Views or Stored Procedure?

  • Hi,

    I have been provided database.bak file from one of our 3rd party vender's daily backup process which i have restored on to our database server.

    Now, I have admin dbo role and when i expand "View" or "Programmability" i see all the view and sp's has a LOCKED symbol. Also, not everysingle SP are LOCKED there are few SP that i can able to modify.

    Is there a way around where i can able to see the script inside the views and SP?

    Please advice,


  • Sorry for this info, but this is not a reversible process as far as i know. you will not be able to see the text inside the encrypted SP..

  • Manindar,

    Thanks for your reply,

    On other note: Do you know who do you encrypt your views and SP in ssms? is there a 3rd party software you use or how does it work? Any idea thoughts...

  • you use the "with encryption" command when you create the object

  • Can anyone you provide me how to create SP with encryption method?

  • Manu - Thank you for your link. I looked at it but it seem like that script does not Decrypt the SP.

    I run his SP on SSMS 2005 and it drop my SP. Now, If you look at this script there is a statement at the end of the script that will drop your SP. I am not a SQL Guru but i try to understand the person logic and it does not make sence or might be i am reading wrong.

    The step he has is EXECUTE ('Drop Proc'.......

    Let me know your thoughts..

  • You cant script out an encrypted sp. you need to speak to the third party vendor and ask them for the scripts.

    there are some third party scripts available that you can use to decrypt SPs. Definately for sql 2000 never really looked for 2005/08. A simple google will probably return thousands of results

    Edit: one solution here which claims to do what you want obviously try in test first before you run it in live

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