can not connect.

  • We have a server (DOG) that I can ping and remote connect to, but I can not connect with SQL Server Management Studio or any other query tool. I know it is somthing simple that I am just not seeing. Any suggestions



    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

  • Stacey

    Are you running SSMS on the server or remotely?  If remotely, is there a firewall between the two computers? What is the authentication mode of the server, and how are you trying to connect (trusted Windows login or SQL Server login)?  Any error messages?


  • The server is a local server on the inside of the firewall. I have tried both SQL and Windows logins and I can not see it. I can not browse for it either.

    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

  • Can you telnet to the box on port 1433?

  • Stacey

    If I understand what you're saying, you're trying to connect from a computer on the same network as the server.  Have you looked at the Server/Client Network Utilities (or whatever the 2005 equivalent is) to check that they're both using the same protocol?  What happens if you try to connect using SSMS on the server?


  • Make sure Allow Remote Questions is checked in the Connection  Properties.  You'll have to log on locally.

  • First i would like to thank all of those that offered help. It turns out that the Network team has been making changes and forgetting to let us know. They will be assisting me in finding out what they have done.


    Thanks again for your help.

    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

  • Okay, I can now connect but in the object explorer the status is blank. The indicator next to the server name is blank instead of red or green.


    Any ideas?

    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

  • I would first terminal into the box and fire up SSMS locally to see that everything is running correctly. If yes, then I would check that you're access is set up correctly, then I would check the Surface Area Config Manager to make sure you have remote connections enabled (Start\Programs\MSSql 2005\Configuration tools\Surface area config..)You could also check the SQL Server COnfiguration manager to make sure you have TCP\IP and or Named Pipes enabled.


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