Can not kill this session

  • Hi all
    I am trying to restore a database ,but can not kill one  connection.This is the query that is running on my db.

    SELECT revisions.value AS Revision, scripts.value AS ScriptsLocation, migrations.value AS MigrationScriptsLocation       
    FROM [my db].sys.extended_properties AS revisions        JOIN [my db].sys.extended_properties AS migrations        ON migrations.minor_id = revisions.major_id        JOIN [my db].sys.extended_properties AS scripts        ON revisions.minor_id = scripts.minor_id        WHERE = 'SQLSourceControl Database Revision'        AND = 'SQLSourceControl Migration Scripts Location'        AND = 'SQLSourceControl Scripts Location';

    Thank you

  • Try
    ALTER DATABASE YourDatabaseName

  • Assuming that you have tried to terminate the session using 'kill spid', I run into this issue from time to time. You need to see what the session is doing after you issues the kill command. Sometimes it could be rolling back a transaction, which will take some time. 
    Even with D. Leidgen's ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE, you need to allow time for the rollback to complete. Alternatively, since you are restoring over it, you may consider dropping the database before the restore.

  • I restarted my workstation and it's gone.I just wonder what does this query do?

  • Assuming that you have tried to terminate the session using 'kill spid', I run into this issue from time to time. You need to see what the session is doing after you issues the kill command. Sometimes it could be rolling back a transaction, which will take some time. 
    Even with D. Leidgen's ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE, you need to allow time for the rollback to complete. Alternatively, since you are restoring over it, you may consider dropping the database before the restore. 

    i could not drop database because there was a active connection

  • Do you have any third party applications running in SSMS on your machine?

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Barcelona10 - Monday, January 8, 2018 12:35 PM

    I restarted my workstation and it's gone.I just wonder what does this query do?

    With the reference to 'SQLSourceControl Database Revision' it kind of looks like you are using RedGate SQL Source Control.


  • Looks like it has something to do with Source Control.  Just a guess and I may be wrong.

  • "Do you have any third party applications running in SSMS on your machine? "

    I have RedGate SourceControl running on SSMS.But i've been backing up databases and restoring them all the time without having any issue

  • Barcelona10 - Monday, January 8, 2018 3:57 PM

    "Do you have any third party applications running in SSMS on your machine? "

    I have RedGate SourceControl running on SSMS.But i've been backing up databases and restoring them all the time without having any issue

    Well, based on your post it was busy doing something at the time.

  • I usually take database offline before restore as some apps/services keep on connecting to database. 

    -- run against database which you want to take offline
    declare @getdbid int = db_id(db_name())
    declare @getspid int
    declare @cmd nvarchar(4000)
    declare c1 cursor for
    select spid from sysprocesses where dbid=@getdbid and spid <> @@SPID
    open c1
    fetch next from c1 into @getspid
    while @@FETCH_STATUS =0
    select @cmd= 'kill ' + CAST(@getspid as nvarchar(5))
    exec (@cmd)
    fetch next from c1 into @getspid
    close c1
    deallocate c1
    set @cmd='use master; alter database ' + db_name(@getdbid) + ' set offline with rollback immediate '
    exec( @cmd)
    use master

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