Can SSIS and database engine be linked to SSAS

  • I have a server which has SQL Server 2012 SSAS.

    My client wants SSIS and database engine to be installed to be mapped to this analysis services engine.

    Is that possible?

  • Can someone please help

  • I think you will need to explain more about what you mean by "mapped to" in order to get a comprehensive reply.

    You can certainly install SSIS,, SSAS, and the core db engine on the same server if you want to.

    Can you explain the problem more?

    Mike John

  • Hi John,

    The Analysis service is already on the server.

    Actually, what I want is SSIS working in Windows 2012 / SSAS Tabular. As part of setting up SSIS the installation requires a SQL Server relational database to be specified for storing the metadata.

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