Can the polling sessions cause a server to crash

  • I have multiple SQL servers 2000 registered on my Enterprise manage, I actiated the polling to check when the SQL Server agent goes down, but my polling is causing numerous log files to be generated on the WINDOWS 2000 Server and make things difficult to troubleshoot when the server crashes because most of the logfile are generated by my login.

    According to one of the developers he is adamint about the fact that my polling session is the cause of the Server to crash which i doubt could be the problem, this happens to 2 to 3 servers

  • I cannot see any relation between checking polling sessions and server crash. Checking polling session only have a little more internet traffic (neglegible from my personal point of view).

  • Never turned this on, but I think EM does check periodically anyway to see if the server is alive. Even logging to the Event logs (which is annoying for admins, by the way), it shouldn't cause a crash. The logs can fill up, but they aren't critical for server operation.

    I'd push for a root cause of the crash and unless MS says it was your polling, I'd keep pushing for evidence. Not sure why you need polling on, but it shouldn't matter.

  • yes it does check if the server is alive, but I think polling is to check if the SQL Server Agent is running. We have mutilple scheduled jobs running on different servers if the agent is down the job will show successfull but the job will not execute which i experienced, thats when i started enabling my polling sessions. How can i prove that the polling sessions is not the cause for the server crashing



  • Steve:

    Could you tell me why you wrote "Never turned this on"? My understanding is that it should have its advantage since it is a default setting.

    Many thanks in advance.

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