Can this query be improved?

  • Hi, my query (as shown below) is very slow to return its result from a a few tables. It takes about 38s to return 36,000+ rows at the moment and I expect it will become even slower as the tables size are increasing.

    Can anyone advise me how to recode it to improve the performance?

    Thank you.


    TOP (100) PERCENT w.workorderno,, w.job_no, w.mrs_no, w.prod_no, w.part_code, w.lot_no, w.from_wh, w.from_loc, w.from_shelf, w.IssueQty,

    w.to_wh, w.to_loc, w.to_shelf, w.ReturnQty, w.Return_date, w.usedqty, w.rowid, w.mrstype, w.rejectqty, w.add_reqno, w.remark,

    w.mrsprep_no, j.process, j.wippartcode, j.mc_code1, d.qpa, d.totalreqqty, d.totalissueQty, d.totalreqqty - d.totalissueQty AS balqty,

    LTRIM(RTRIM(s1.part_desc)) + ' || ' + s1.specification AS wip_desc0, LTRIM(RTRIM(s2.part_desc)) + ' || ' + s2.specification AS part_desc0,

    LTRIM(RTRIM(s2.part_desc)) AS part_desc, LTRIM(RTRIM(s1.part_desc)) AS wip_desc, s1.specification AS wip_spec, s2.specification AS part_spec,

    w.to_wh AS Expr1, w.to_loc AS Expr2, w.to_shelf AS Expr3

    FROM dbo.s_workorder AS w INNER JOIN

    dbo.s_joborder AS j ON w.job_no = j.Job_no INNER JOIN

    dbo.s_mrsdtl AS d ON j.mrs_no = d.mrs_no AND w.part_code = d.part_code INNER JOIN

    dbo.s_stkmst AS s1 ON j.wippartcode = s1.part_code INNER JOIN

    dbo.s_stkmst AS s2 ON w.part_code = s2.part_code

    WHERE (d.exchanged = 0) AND (d.remove = 0)

    ORDER BY w.workorderno

    Together, we can make wonders!
  • Yes.

    To get more specific, we would need table structures, execution plans, and indexes.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • I am with Jason, to help better the performance of the query, somemore info is needed about the underlying tables and so on....

    Before you get back with the underlying table details, I have some points you can start tuning the query and test.

    Looking at the code, it seems you are using some LTRIM, RTRIM functions and order by clause which may be some of the reasons for the slowness of the query execution.

    Next, I suggest you to look for the underlying tables and see that you have Indexes for the columns used in the Join condition, such as w.job_no, j.job_no and etc...

    Next up, columns used in the where clause, d.exchanged and d.remove and also the column used in the order by clause they need indexes on them.

    Lastly, use the covered indexes for the columns used in the Select clause.

    Look at the following links to see the performance difference when this is followed.

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

    Join on Facebook Page Facebook.comLearnSQLWithBru

    Twitter -- BruMedishetty

  • Hi Bru and Jason, thank you for your advice. Follow your advice, I will look for my missing indexes now. At the meantime, i attached my EP herein for your reference. O, one more thing, how to export my table indexes to a file?

    Thank you.

    Together, we can make wonders!
  • Could not open the sqlplan attached...

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

    Join on Facebook Page Facebook.comLearnSQLWithBru

    Twitter -- BruMedishetty

  • Can u try to open this one?

    (I can open it by sql2005.)


    Together, we can make wonders!
  • AhTu_SQL2k+ (11/20/2009)

    Can u try to open this one?

    (I can open it by sql2005.)


    I still can't open the attachment, as soon as I click on that IE browser opens with some error message displayed. I guess you too can try by clicking on the attachment in your post.

    Any way, It would be early morning in couple of hours, I need to get few hours of sleep.

    Do try with the suggestions given already......

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

    Join on Facebook Page Facebook.comLearnSQLWithBru

    Twitter -- BruMedishetty

  • You are right, can't open it in IE. But, if I click it in Firefox then it will direct me to use Sql Management tool to open it. I also notice the file extension was changed from .sqlpln to .xml after I uploaded to this forum.

    Anyway, I followed your advice to make sure those 'join' columns and 'where' columns have their index; Rtrim(Ltrim(()) and Order by clauses were also removed but it still takes 38s+/-.

    Good night to you. (I am still at work and it is 4PM now) 😉

    Together, we can make wonders!

    Is the distinct really necessary?

    Why the top 100 percent?

    Please post table and index definitions.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Hi Gail,

    'Distinct' result is needed. Please refer to my code (revised) below and one attached file for imvolved tables and indexes.

    Thank you,


    w.workorderno,, w.job_no, w.mrs_no, w.prod_no, w.part_code, w.lot_no, w.from_wh, w.from_loc, w.from_shelf, w.IssueQty,

    w.to_wh, w.to_loc, w.to_shelf, w.ReturnQty, w.Return_date, w.usedqty, w.rowid, w.id_upd, w.dt_upd, w.mrstype, w.rejectqty, w.add_reqno, w.remark,

    w.mrsprep_no, j.process, j.wippartcode, j.mc_code1, d.qpa, d.totalreqqty, d.totalissueQty, d.totalreqqty - d.totalissueQty AS balqty,

    s1.part_desc + ' || ' + s1.specification AS wip_desc0, s2.part_desc+ ' || ' + s2.specification AS part_desc0,

    s2.part_desc AS part_desc, s1.part_desc AS wip_desc, s1.specification AS wip_spec, s2.specification AS part_spec,

    w.to_wh AS Expr1, w.to_loc AS Expr2, w.to_shelf AS Expr3

    FROM dbo.s_workorder AS w INNER JOIN

    dbo.s_joborder AS j ON w.job_no = j.Job_no INNER JOIN

    dbo.s_mrsdtl AS d ON j.mrs_no = d.mrs_no AND w.part_code = d.part_code INNER JOIN

    dbo.s_stkmst AS s1 ON j.wippartcode = s1.part_code INNER JOIN

    dbo.s_stkmst AS s2 ON w.part_code = s2.part_code

    WHERE (d.exchanged = 0) AND (d.remove = 0)

    Together, we can make wonders!
  • AhTu_SQL2k+ (11/20/2009)

    Anyway, I followed your advice to make sure those 'join' columns and 'where' columns have their index; Rtrim(Ltrim(()) and Order by clauses were also removed but it still takes 38s+/-.

    Can you post the revised execution plan?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • AhTu_SQL2k+ (11/19/2009)

    It takes about 38s to return 36,000+ rows at the moment and I expect it will become even slower as the tables size are increasing.

    Heh...hold on a minute... return from where to where? In other words, where is the server and where are you?

    Also, who is going to read 36,000 rows of anything? What do you really want to do with the output of this sproc?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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