Can too many comments slow down stored procedure?

  • I have a stored procedure that has a lot of comments. There are actual comments, and old blocks of code that have been commented out. The procedure is more than twice as long because of these comments.

    I understand that sql server doesn't execute commented lines, but those lines have to be stored somewhere, don't they? Should I get rid of these comments? I could simple save the text of the procedure elsewhere, but my real concern is performance.

    Can too many comments in a SQL Server 2000 stored procedure slow down that procedure?

  • No, definitely not.

    Only the active code gets passed to the optimiser, so the comments don't go anywhere.

    If it's slow it's something else, usually a join or the where clause.

    Too much old code can clutter a proc though, from the point of view of reading it. You could delete it if it's not wanted any more, or perhaps move it all to the end.

    Relevant comments & explanations are a GOOD thing 🙂

  • Are you suggesting there is no point where too many comments can slow it down, or that the point is so large its impractical to consider? What if the stored proc was 1 million lines, with only 1% of that actually functioning code?

  • laurie-789651 (7/30/2012)

    Relevant comments & explanations are a GOOD thing 🙂

    I do understand this point. I guess I'm wondering about the wisdom of leaving a lot of old code there in comment form.

  • Within reason, you can put as much comments code as you like.

    Personally, I don't like too much old code. I'd keep it if a) I thought it might be reused, or b) I thought it helped explain a change e.g. "This looks good but it didn't work because.....'

    I don't keep all old code because it just clutters the proc & often adds nothing to understanding it. If you're using source control on your procs, that's another good reason for not keeping it.

    If it's definitely not likely to be wanted again, I usually get rid of it; or if I keep it, I usually get rid of it later.

    Don't forget, comment code doesn't even get to the optimiser, so there's no way it can slow down execution of a proc. The processes for handling stored procedure text are very powerful & optimised. Having said that, if you wanted a hundred thousand lines of comments, you probably need a separate document as it would make it hard to find the code. 🙂

  • maw74656 (7/30/2012)

    Are you suggesting there is no point where too many comments can slow it down, or that the point is so large its impractical to consider? What if the stored proc was 1 million lines, with only 1% of that actually functioning code?

    only the code that gets interpreted into commands gets compiled. comments have no effect at all.

    there's been multiple threads on this same subject over the years; we built various test harnesses that used REPLICATE TO put a ton of fake comments into the body of a stored proc, let me see if i can find it again, but there no impact.

    see this post for example, prove it to yourself:


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • maw74656 (7/30/2012)

    Are you suggesting there is no point where too many comments can slow it down, or that the point is so large its impractical to consider? What if the stored proc was 1 million lines, with only 1% of that actually functioning code?

    There might be a point where is slows down the compile of the procedure, but once it is compiled into an execution plan there will be no difference.

    I think the example of a million lines of code with 99% comments is a bit of a strawman. I have written a lot of stored procedures and I comment liberally, but a procedure over 2,000 lines is fairly rare, and most are much shorter.

  • Michael Valentine Jones (7/30/2012)

    maw74656 (7/30/2012)

    Are you suggesting there is no point where too many comments can slow it down, or that the point is so large its impractical to consider? What if the stored proc was 1 million lines, with only 1% of that actually functioning code?

    There might be a point where is slows down the compile of the procedure, but once it is compiled into an execution plan there will be no difference.

    I think the example of a million lines of code with 99% comments is a bit of a strawman. I have written a lot of stored procedures and I comment liberally, but a procedure over 2,000 lines is fairly rare, and most are much shorter.

    I just finished up at a place where a procedure with less than 2000 lines of code was rare.


    That said, once compiled it should not add too much to the compile time. I wonder if there is an eventual residual effect to how many procs can be stored in cache due to extreme cases of 99% comments in code.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • SQLRNNR (7/30/2012)

    Michael Valentine Jones (7/30/2012)

    maw74656 (7/30/2012)

    Are you suggesting there is no point where too many comments can slow it down, or that the point is so large its impractical to consider? What if the stored proc was 1 million lines, with only 1% of that actually functioning code?

    There might be a point where is slows down the compile of the procedure, but once it is compiled into an execution plan there will be no difference.

    I think the example of a million lines of code with 99% comments is a bit of a strawman. I have written a lot of stored procedures and I comment liberally, but a procedure over 2,000 lines is fairly rare, and most are much shorter.

    I just finished up at a place where a procedure with less than 2000 lines of code was rare.


    That said, once compiled it should not add too much to the compile time. I wonder if there is an eventual residual effect to how many procs can be stored in cache due to extreme cases of 99% comments in code.

    I don't think the comments contribute to the plan cache at all.

    A far worse problem for the plan cache is when each query is dynamically generated by front end code and the plan cache ends up filled with thousands or hundereds of thousands of plans that are only executed once.

  • Just for references - I just tested out a fairly extreme case.

    if exists (select object_id from sys.procedures where name='MattnoCmt')

    drop procedure MattnoCmt

    if exists (select object_id from sys.procedures where name='MattCmt')

    drop procedure MattCmt


    dbcc freeproccache

    dbcc dropcleanbuffers


    create proc MattnoCmt



    select AVG(rn) b, COUNT(rn) j from tallyplus


    --comments to repeat


    I will spare you the MattCmt script, but suffice it to say it's the same code as mattNoCmt, with 100K lines of comments. I was going to go for 1M, but the SSMS editor seemed to choke on anything much larger than 120K lines.

    I then ran this:

    set statistics time on

    print 'cmt'

    exec mattcmt

    print 'nocmt'

    exec mattnocmt

    set statistics time off

    and the statistics look something like:


    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.

    SQL Server parse and compile time:

    CPU time = 72 ms, elapsed time = 72 ms.

    (1 row(s) affected)

    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 6 ms.

    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 78 ms, elapsed time = 78 ms.


    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.

    SQL Server parse and compile time:

    CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.

    (1 row(s) affected)

    any further executions then yielded same exec times etc...

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • EDIT: removed, posted in wrong thread.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

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