can we Deploy SSIS Package with out package configuration???

  • Hi !

    I am trying to deploy the SSIS package to file system and i enabled the package configuration and i was trying to configure the Package to XML file. In my package i do have variables,executable,connection managers and every thing and i selected all. but i was getting the error message as below . My question is do we need to configure the SSIS package ? for deploying ??? and if so why is it not allowing me to configure the variables ?and what happens if i don't configure package and just build the project and deploy it ?

    thanks in advance for you suggestions 🙂

    Property "Value" with type "Object" of variable "User::V_xxxxxxxx" can not be exported to the configuration file.

  • Creating a configuration file is one way of making deployment easier. You would be able to make changes to the xml file and just run the package against that xml file. No more need to alter the internals of the package.

    That said, it is not required. It makes life a bit more difficult and will consume more of your time. But you can deploy without that config file.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • So With out Package configuration Step we can successfully deploy the SSIS Package right ?I was under the impression that with out the Package Configuration Step we may not be able to deploy package with Variables,Connection strings ..etc .So i am going ahead with SSIS Package Deployment with out package configuration Step then .

    Thanks a lot

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