Can we install BIDS for free on client PCs?

  • I'm pretty sure the answer to my question is "yes" but I need a rubber stamp on this so if someone could provide me with a link to an MS page that confirms the position I'd really apreciate it. Or if I'm wrong, obviously I want to know so I don't wind up doing anything I shouldn't.


    I've been contracted for a reporting project with a client (a local council). They're running a SQLServer 2008 R2 and it's already got reporting services set up on the server. They also have several client machines already set up running BIDS through the Visual Studio front end that get's installed when you install the BIDS shared component (I believe this is just a shell - it doesn't contain any of the .Net languages). When I requested a new install for myself it got flagged as a possible licencing requirement and the next thing I know £3-4k quotes are turning up for Visual Studio Ultimate Edition :rolleyes: and nobody wants to install anything in case it puts us in breach. To be fair, that's probably the right attitude to take if folks aren't sure but it is holding us up at the moment so I'd like to get an authorative position if possible.

    Here's the specific things that have been questioned:-

    . Can BIDS be installed on multiple client machines and be covered by the main SQLServer server licence?

    . Is the Visual Studio shell similarly covered?

    . We did a trial install of BIDS only from the SQLServer install disk on a virtual machine and noticed that the Reporting Services component got included. That's listed as a core component which isn't normally free. Does that stop us from being allowed to do the install? Could we somehow exclude the component from the client install? (I believe it's only a server side component anyway but I'm not 10% clear on that)

    If someone can give me a steer on this I'd really apreciate it, ideally by linking to something from MS so it's "official". I surely don't want to breach any licences but I've worked for several clients before where this wasn't an issue and this is now holding up the project.

    Thanks as always


  • Hi

    I think it is better installing report builder because it is free 😉

    :w00t: !!!GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! :w00t:

  • We're really after BIDS rather than Report Builder (which is a bit rubbish IMO).

    Anyway, I finally found this in the SQL Server EULA (probably should have been the first place I looked):-

    c. Running Instances of the Additional Software. You may run or otherwise use any number of instances of additional software listed below in physical or virtual operating system environments on any number of devices. You may use additional software only with the server software directly, or indirectly through other additional software.

    • Business Intelligence Development Studio

    I've forwarded it to the IT dept and hopefully they'll accept that.

  • You can install BIDS from Express Edition installer with advanced services. you won't be able to create SSIS packages but will be able to create reports.

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