Cannot add domain group

  • Hi folks.   I have not seen the following before: I cannot add the security group ‘domainname\LADM SLEEC DEV’ as a login to SQL Server which complains that the group does not exist.  If I use Enterprise Manager and attempt to add the user, I can see that the group does indeed exist in the domain…

    Now, when I click OK (twice) , I get…

    I thought that I could safely assume that if it showed up in the dialog, I could use add the group.  Using the TSQL interface, I get the same thing…

    Anybody seen this?


    at us, very deafly, a most stares
    collosal hoax of clocks and calendars


  • We had this problem.

    It is either because an SID for that group or user already exists within the syslogins table of the master database or your DNS servers are not correctly set-up.

    There is an article on microsoft's website about this if you can find it.. it gives all the reasons it would fail but the two above are the most likely especially if your rolling out a windows 2003 server domain and your network admins have never had to setup DNS properly before (anyway that's what we've found our unix guys get server 2003 our windows nt guys are finding it all a bit difficult)



  • It also happens if your NT group or user has been renamed.

    One of our 3rd party apps requires the domain user as a login eg DOMAIN\InitialSurname

    On marriage, we have to reboot the server (when we can) to pick up the new name. We use "sp_validatelogins" overnight to check our logins and it nags us...

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