Cannot debug SQL2000 sproc from Visual Studio .NET 2005

  • Hi all. Perhaps someone can help me? I'll explain in detail later, but in a nutshell I cannot debug a SQL2000 stored procedure from Visual Studio .NET 2005. I have the option in VS to 'Step into' but when I click on that, the sproc just runs and does not open then debugging windows. I get no errors, not even in the event log.

    I am running Windows Server 2003 Std. I have SQL2005 RTM installed locally. I have SQL2000 SP3 Enterprise installed locally. Both database engine services are running under a local admin account. I am running VS.NET 2005 Pro under my domain user account, which is in the admin group on my pc and is a SQL2000 sysadmin.

    While trying different things to get this to work, I have also enabled DCOM and allowed local permissions to SQLDebugger (which I have made a local admin in desperation), the SQL service account and my domain user account.

    I am able to debug SQL2005 sprocs, but when I follow the same technique to debug a SQL2000 sproc, it just executes and I don't see the debug window.

    Can anyone assist me?



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  • Wayne,

    I'm going through the same thing right now and the only thing that comes up is the "Output" window with the result from executing the stored procedure.

    I'm still researching & will post the answer here if I find one.

    Good luck!

    [font="Verdana"]Sal Young[/font]
    [font="Verdana"]MCITP Database Administrator[/font]

  • Found the answer!

    In MS SQL Server Management Studio, you have to give yourself exec rights to the dbo.sp_sdidebug extended stored procedure.  This procedure is located in master > Programmability > Extended Stored Procedures > System Extended Stored Procedures > dbo.sp_sdidebug.

    Good luck!

    [font="Verdana"]Sal Young[/font]
    [font="Verdana"]MCITP Database Administrator[/font]

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