cannot drop database because it doesn''t exist in the system

  • I dropped a database using Enterprise Manager and it finished without generating any error. however it still shows up on E.M. When i try to delete it again, I got:

    'error 3701: cannot drop database because it doesn't exist in the system



    search the system database, no entry for the database in question.

    any remedy for this problem?

    thanks a lot for your help.



  • Can you try closing your Enterprise Manager Session and opening it back. Also Can you run sp_helpdb in query analyzer and see if the database comes up.

  • it is gone after closing EM. thanks

  • Or maybe just refreshing the db list...

  • i tried refresh before posting the question.

  • An restarting enterprise manager??

    Is there anything in the server's logs?

  • It is commonly known that the MMC console is unreliable.

    I have experienced several occasions where I have to close the EM/MMC console and open it again before primarily deletions shows up.


    Ib-Rene Kruse

  • Hello,

    I got the same error after deleting a load of tables.

    Refreshing didn't work at any level

    Exiting and entering fixed it and showed a table I couldn't see before which was actually causing me a problem else where...

    urgh... I say an Auto refresh should be implemented




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