Cannot drop SQL table

  • Hi,

    I tried every possible ways but still cannot drop table.

  • Few choices.

    1. Can you rename the table? You could leave it in the db and ignore it. NOTE: I would not recommend this.

    2. Call MS CSS, spend the $500 or so and find out what do to.

    3. Script out all data and objects. If you have SQL Compare from Red GAte, or another similar tool, you can do this easily. Uncheck the one table that's broken before scripting. You can also try scripting from SSMS, but I suspect it might fail. You can bcp out all the data, and there are scripts on this site that can do that for you. Basically loop through all tables, bcp'ing out each to a separate file. Then recreate things, bcp data back in.

    I would highly recommend you do #2 or #3. #2 might help you fix it, but in any case, I'd rebuild the database to prevent any potential future problems

  • espanolanthony (12/6/2011)


    I tried every possible ways but still cannot drop table.

    That's why Gail, our most expert resident on corruption, TOLD you to export everything you can save.

    If checkdb can't even run you have something seriously corrupted in there, likely more than 1 table.

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