Cannot restore database

  • It seems I don't have the right permissions but I'm not sure where. I can search and find the file on disk at the OS level. I can rename it, move it some place else, etc. However, when I try to restore it within SSMS the file cannot be viewed to select it for the database restore. I have sysadmin rights and I have even installed sql server with this account, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

    Thanks DBA's for helping another DBA.


  • Perhaps SQL Service Account doesn't have permissions to the folder? What is the error message when you try to do a restore?

  • What I did was go all the way until it was time to select the file. It doesn't display the file, so I went to the OS and copied the filename and pasted it into the dialougue box where the file name is typed.

    This is the message I receive after I clicked OK:

    The Database Engine service could not resolve the specified file location. Either the location does not exist, or the current login account does not have access to it. Verify that the file location exists, and that the login account has permissions on it.

  • I would also think it is due to the sql server service account not having permissions on the folder. Check the permissions on the folder and see if the SQL Server service account is listed as having any permissions at all.

  • I have never encountered that error, but these questions may help...

    Have you looked in the SQL Security tab and verify your account has the necessary permissions?

    Perhaps verify that your account has the necessary permissions on the Active Directory?

    I'm sure you've done this numerous times, but verify that the file does exist on the path you're giving the restore command?

    Maybe try copying and pasting the backup file onto another directory path (and updating the restore command)?

    I apologize for all of the speculations, but again, I've never encountered this error message.

  • Guess what guys....???

    I am retarded and embarassed at the same time! 🙂 I didn't realize that my backup file didn't have the extension of BAK. I didn't notice that before until now. I renamed the file name to have the BAK extension and now the file is selectible.

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to respond to my post. You guys are awesome and that's why I continue to use this site when I'm stuck.

    I didn't have to fess up and let everyone know but thought it would be beneficial to anyone who has this type of issue to know just in case they have the problem.

    Thanks again.

    Patti 😀

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