Cannot restore Master (Version Mismatch

  • Hi,

    I am trying to restore master from backup. While restoring I get the following error.

    "Database cannot be restored because it was created by a different version of the server (134218713) than this server (134219768)"

    I know that this error is due to the build mismatch.

    I have SQL 2000 SP3a installed. I googled for build 134219768 and found out that the hotfix found at is the solution for this. But on this page, I cannot find any link to download the hotfix. Please let me know how to obtain this hotfix.

    This is really urgent for me and I badly need your help.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Make sure you install the same edition and service pack (+ hotfix) than your original server !

    - I would try to reinstall that instance (starting from rtm) trying to restore master.

    - If that does not succeed, apply sp1 ,

    try to restore master


    simple but effective ... may take some time ...


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  • Thanks a lot for your response.

    I know that to restore this master backup, the version has to be

    SP3a + Hotfix (

    My problem is that I am not able to download the Hotfix from

    Please let me know how to obtain this particular Hotfix.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

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