Cannot set Application Name in SQLOLEDB connection string

  • I'm looking for a list of OLE DB connection string parameters for SQL Server 2000 (SQLOLEDB provider).

    I'm connecting to a SQL Server 2000 SP3a database from Powerbuilder 8 using OLE DB. I can't seem to get the application name to show up in sysprocesses.program_name. My connection string contains the following:

    PROVIDER='SQLOLEDB',Application Name='MyApp',


    Anybody know the correct syntax/spelling for "Application Name=" ?

    ( An ADO example for VB would be ok )



  • This site is great for getting ADO connection strings to multiple dbs.



    A better one for applpication name is contained in:



    Hope either helps.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Sometimes applications force the appname to say Powerbuilder etc. and dont allow you to set this attribute, one way round this is to use a file dsn and set the app name in there.

    Phil Nicholas

  • Tried a few combinations and finally found it.

    Syntax is:


    No spaces between the equal sign. I tried this in a vb package and ms access and both work.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • I am trying this from an Access2003 adp without success.

    strConnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.10;Server=Server;Initial Catalog=MyDB;UID=Me;Pwd=Mine;App=MyCustomString;"

    Does the order matter in the connection string?  Any suggestions?

  • Dunno if you've solved this yet, but I'm connecting from PowerBuilder 9 using OLEDB and the following connection string and I'm successfully setting the application name:



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