Cant access to share point 2.0 database

  • Our intranet server has sharepoint service 2.0 installed on it there is also an instance of sql express installed on the server. when i try to connect to sql server using management studio from my machine i can only get visibility of the sql express instance the server dosent have anything that would allow me to connect to the sharepont db. without installing Management studio on the server how can i connect to this database?

  • The instance hosting the SharePoint databases may not be configured to allow remote connections.

    The section titled Enable remote connections for SQL Server 2005 Express or SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition in this article may help:

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • ye i realized that but i cant access the instance to enable it to allow remote connections, if that is what it is.

  • ps_vbdev (7/6/2011)

    ye i realized that but i cant access the instance to enable it to allow remote connections, if that is what it is.

    You don't need to access the instance to enable remote connections. You do however need physical console access, Remote Desktop access or some kind of remote execution privileges however. Please have a look at the article I linked you to in a previous post.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Sorry when i said access the instance i did of course mean through using the surface area configuration tool where you can enable remote connections. I have only got visibility of the sql express instance installed on the server when i run this tool. Unless there is another way of doing this/checking it

  • Are you in the sysadmin Server Role in the Express instance? And is the Windows Service running the Express instance a local administrator? If yes to both then you may be able to invoke xp_CmdShell to change settings on the server itself...this line of thinking is starting to appear as if you're trying to hack into a server...

    What's wrong with asking someone for access to this server?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I DO HAVE ACCESS TO THE SERVER. I dont have access to the share point DB on it. The reason i want access to it is to set up a back up strategy for the DB, which has to be done using sp's and batch files. You don't have to reply anymore as they are useless but thanks anyway.

  • Settle down. We're just having some terminology challenges that's all. The configuration manager will show you all instances on the machine. Just because SharePoint services is installed on a machine does not mean there is also a database instance associated with it on that same machine. If you're not seeing the instance listed in the configuration manager then you're looking on the wrong server for the databases.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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