Can''t connect to Analysis Services using the Excel Add-In

  • Hi,

    I've installed Office 2003 (the trial of the Standard edition) along with the Excel Add-In for Analysis Services on a Windows Server 2003 box that is running SQL Server 2005.

    When I select Build Report in Excel to connect to a cube I've created I am getting the following error when attempting to connect to the server:

    OLAP Server error on connection SCSRV-DR2\MATTTEST

    OLAP Server error: Unable to connect to the Analysis Server. The server name 'SCSRV-DR2\MATTTEST' was not found. Please verify that the name you entered is correct, and then try again.

    The analysis server and the SQL server are both started. I have tried reinstalling Office and the Add-In without any luck. Can anyone help out with this?

    Thanks, Matt

  • Ensure your windows account is member of olap admin group on the server, and apply latest sql and AS sp on server and client if possible.

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