can't drop column because it is replicated

  • Greetings,

    I'm getting an error stating that I can't drop a column because it is currently replicated. However, I already removed replication from this database and I still get the error. How do I solve this?

  • Just turning off replication at the server isn't enough. You also need to remove the publications that reference the table. (or is that articles?)

    Either way, you have to clean up all the replication entries all the way around.

  • I did. I deleted the publications and even disabled the servers as publishers and subscribers. I then set up replication again, but on a different database. The funny thing is that it's getting this error on the original database that was being replicated, but now isn't.

  • Does anyone have a good documented process for removing replication? I just tried running some of the system stored procedures that get rid of replication, but the error is still there. Somehow replication has a hard time uninstalling itself. I wonder if anyone has a documented process that uninstalls replication COMPLETELY?

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