Cant find database sysfiles

  • Hi,

    I recently went on holidays and the Junior DBA moved one of the DB's from one drive on the server to another due to space.  Now I have a bigger space issue on that drive.

    I have tried to shrink the datebase but it says it can't locate the files, but when I run Select * from sysfiles, they are there.  Can anyone help me out and tell why it won't let me run DBCC shrinkfile.




  • In enterprise manager select the database in that press right click properties check the path.

  • The path is fine, I've already checked that.  I was wondering if the old path was still being referenced in another table or database.



  • Hi Rookie,

    Pls tell us what is the exact error message when you try to shrink the database. Do you restart the whole sql server after the moving?


  • Hi,

    does the content of sysfiles and sysfiles1 reflect the new location?

    how about master.dbo.sysaltfiles, does the content correlate?

    regards karl


    Best regards

  • I had the same problem where a DBCC SHRINKFILE command said it couldn't locate the entries in sysfiles even though they were there. Couldn't find a logical reason why but a stop and start of the SQL services fixed it.

  • Cool, thanks everyone.  I have just got a new SQL server and have moved my databases and still had the problem.

    I did what Karl suggested and the file name was different to the sysfiles tables so I tried that name and it worked.

    Thanks again



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