Can''t get AdventureWorks to install

  • Has anyone else had this problem?  I have the September CTP up and running perfectly, but cannot get the AdventureWorks demo DBs to install.  When I follow the directions in the BOL [what are we supposed to call BOL now?!!] to run Setup again, selecting the appropriate options, I get an error saying that no changes would be made to the system, so Setup will not continue.

    Failing a resolution, I wonder how one could get hold of a copy of the DBs...


  • Have you tried to installed it manually. Locate the .msi on this folder "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Samples\SQLServerSamples.msi"

  • Thanks Hendra.  Unfortunately there's no Samples folder under that tree.

    The weird thing is, when I did the first attempt at install (which I had to uninstall because I inadvertently upgraded my 2000 version), the samples did install.  I can even still see the ghost of the file in my Google Desktop results.

    (BTW I defragged and repartitioned before re-installing so it's pretty unlikely to be recoverable).

    Would there be any issues with getting hold of a copy from someone?  I can't see any downloads on Google, but everything I have is properly licensed.

    Also, how does one install a .msi?

    Sorry to bombard you with more questions!


  • An .msi is installed by double-clicking it.

    You could try downloading AdventureWorks from MSDN This download is for Express Edition, but I assume it is the same database and it is just not distributed with Express.

  • Hey - great find!  Downloaded, set up and attached like a charm.  Thanks Chris.

    I'll rootle around and try to get hold of the DW file some time later to have a crack at analysis services. 



    PS BOL it is, then.

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