Can''t get an outer join

  • I am trying to generate a list of subscriptions from 2 Access tables.  The SQL that I have works except I can’t get an outer join.


    I have the following 2 tables:



    Subscrno              Number       Subscription number                          (PK)

    Subaddeffdate       Date            Effective date of subscription address (PK)

    Delfirstnam            Text            Delivery address first name

    Dellastnam             Text            Delivery address last name       

    Delhouseno           Text            Delivery address house or building number

    Delstreetnam          Text            Delivery address street name

    Delcity                  Text            Delivery address city

    Delstate                 Text            Delivery address state or province      

    Delzipcode            Text            Delivery address zip or postal code



    Subscrno              Number       Subscription number                          (PK)

    Subrouteeffdate     Date            Effective date of subscription route     (PK)

    Subrouteno           Text            Subscription route number


    The following generates the list:


    SELECT t1.Subscrno, t1.Subaddeffdate, t1.Delhouseno, t1.Delaptno, t1.Delstreetnam, t1.Delcity, t1.Delstate, t1.Delzipcode, t1.Deltitle, t1.Delfirstnam, t1.Dellastnam, t1.Delstreetnam, t2.Subrouteeffdate, t2.Subrouteno

    FROM tSubsAdds AS t1 LEFT JOIN tSubsroutes AS t2 ON t1.Subscrno=t2.Subscrno

    WHERE (((t2.Subrouteeffdate)=(SELECT max(Subrouteeffdate) FROM tSubsroutes  WHERE Subscrno = t2.Subscrno AND Subrouteeffdate <= Date())) AND ((t1.Subaddeffdate)=(SELECT max(Subaddeffdate) FROM tSubsadds WHERE Subscrno = t1.Subscrno AND Subaddeffdate <= Date())) AND ((t1.Delstreetnam) Like "O*"))


    The SQL appears to work except if there is a record for a subscription in tSubsAdds but there is no record in tSubsRoutes, there is no row generated for that subscription number in the result.  Is there any way to get it to produce a row for every record in tSubsAdds (that satisfies the WHERE clause) even if there is none for that subscription in tSubsRoutes without using separate saved queries?  I’ve tried changing LEFT to INNER and to RIGHT but it didn’t work.


    The purpose of the list is to display current information about subscriptions.  The current information for a subscription in both tSubsAdds and tSubsRoutes (see above) is the record with the highest effective date up to today.  Subscription number and effective date are the key fields in the tables so there is only 1 record per date per subscription.  The join matches records from tSubsAdds with corresponding records from tSubsRoutes by subscription number and returns the current address from tSubsAdds as well as the current route number from tSubsRoutes.  Thus, there is 1 and only 1 row for each subscription number in the result.  It is important to realize that the dates in the 2 tables are not necessarily synchronized (and are otherwise of no interest).  There may be many records in each table for a subscription number, or there may be none at all, but all the records for a subscription have a different date.  What we are interested in is the highest one but not over todays’s date.  The records before that are part of history and those with higher dates haven’t kicked in yet. 


    The result is also filtered down by the field Delstreetnam, the street name, which is in tSubsAdds, to make the list selectable and faster.   (Del means delivery).  The user will be entering a value for Delstreetnam.  In this case I have coded “t1.Delstreetnam) Like "O*"” in the WHERE clause, which will return street names beginning with O like Oak Street, Ohio Street, etc..


    There is also a main or header table called tSubs (not needed in this case):



    Subscrno              Number       Subscription number                          (PK)

    various fields


    Thanks for looking.




  • It's pretty complex, but your problem might be in the WHERE clause, specifically the

    WHERE (((t2.Subrouteeffdate)=(SELECT ...)))

    bit. If you have a record in t1 with no matching record in t2, then t2.Subrouteeffdate will be null and the record will not be returned, regardless of the left join.

    So perhaps you need to add

    or t2.Subrouteeffdate is null

    to this part of the WHERE clause.

    Good luck


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Thanks for responding.


    This almost works.  When I insert this change the query does return a row for subscriptions which have no record in tSubsRoutes but it does not return a row where there is a record in tSubsRoutes that does not satisfy the condition (effective date <= today’s date).  I may not have made it clear before that there could be no record at all for a subscription in tSubsRoutes or there could be a record that doesn’t meet the condition.  Either way is the same thing.  Is there a way to tweak this change to correct that without getting the wrong route returned?


    Or is what I really need to do is tell sql that my query keys off of tSubsAdds and that tSubsRoutes is just a lookup?  With it being necessary to return the correct record (i.e. where effective date <= today’s date in both tables).


    Anyone have any ideas.  I can post the tables if that’s possible here.

  • I think I understand what you are getting at, but some sample data highlighting what you are currently getting and what you want to get would help significantly. To simplify this, please just include the tables/columns that are relevant to the SQL you have posted, to make it easier to read.



    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • How do I attach an Access db?

  • Okay, I just got the word.  No attachments!


    Let’s try this.  I have the following 2 tables:



    Subscrno              Number       Subscription number                          (PK)

    Subaddeffdate       Date            Effective date of subscription address (PK) 

    Delhouseno           Text            Delivery address house or building number

    Delstreetnam          Text            Delivery address street name



    Subscrno              Number       Subscription number                          (PK)

    Subrouteeffdate     Date            Effective date of subscription route     (PK)

    Subrouteno           Text            Subscription route number


    Example for tSubsAdds:


    Subscrno              Subaddeffdate       Delhouseno           Delstreetnam

    1                           01/01/2000            100                       Elm St.

    1                           07/31/2002            350                       Oak St.       

    2                           01/01/2001            100                       Oak St.

    3                           01/01/2005            55                         Sycamore St.

    4                           01/01/1999            19                         Park Ave.

    5                           02/15/2005            101                       Ohio St.

    6                           03/31/1998            4                           Ohio St.

    6                           07/20/2004            137                       Walnut St.

    6                           02/01/2005            400                       Elm St.


    for tSubsRoutes:


    Subscrno              Subrouteeffdate     Routeno

    1                           01/01/2000            1       

    1                           01/01/2001            8

    2                           01/01/2001            99

    4                           02/15/2005            59

    5                           02/15/2005            42

    6                           03/31/1998            34

    6                           02/01/2005             8



    The correct result with a selection of ‘A’ to ‘ZZZ’ on Delstreetnam should be:


    Subscrno              Subaddeffdate       Delhouseno           Delstreetnam       Subreouteeffdate    Routeno

    1                 07/31/2002        350        Oak St.        01/01/2001        8

    2                 01/01/2001        100        Oak St.        01/01/2001       99

    3                 01/01/2005         55         Sycamore St.  

    4                 01/01/1999               19         Park Ave. 

    6                 07/20/2004        137        Walnut  t.     03/31/1998           34


    In my original sql, subscriptions 3 and 4 do not appear in the result, 3 because there is no record for it in tSubsRoutes and 4 because the only record in tSubsRoutes is post-dated.  That is the problem.  Note the blank Routeno and Subrouteeffdate above.  If I make the change suggested by Phil, 3 comes in but 4 doesn’t.


    Subscription 5 does not appear in the result because the records in both tables are post-dated.  Post-dated records do not participate in the result.  This is fine.  What I need is to get 3 and 4 in the result.  They are not post-dated in tSubsAdds.


    Hope this makes it clear.

  • OK, this is a beast, as you've got multiple subqueries to cope with the required GROUP BYs in tables linked by a LEFT JOIN. Query works in SQL Server, you might have to adapt it for Access:


    t1.subscrno, t1.Subaddeffdate, t2.Delhouseno, t2.Delstreetnam, t4.Subrouteeffdate, t4.routeno


    (select x1.Subscrno, max(x1.Subaddeffdate) Subaddeffdate

    from dbo.tsubsadds x1 where x1.Subaddeffdate < getdate()

    group by x1.Subscrno) t1

    inner join dbo.tsubsadds t2 on

    t1.subscrno = t2.subscrno and t1.Subaddeffdate = t2.Subaddeffdate

    left outer join


    x3.subscrno, x3.Subrouteeffdate, t3.routeno



    x2.subscrno, max(x2.Subrouteeffdate) Subrouteeffdate


    dbo.tSubsRoutes x2


    x2.Subrouteeffdate < getdate()

    group by

    x2.subscrno) x3 inner join

    dbo.tSubsRoutes t3 on x3.subscrno = t3.subscrno and x3.Subrouteeffdate = t3.Subrouteeffdate) t4

    on t1.subscrno = t4.subscrno

    order by




    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Access doesn't like it.  What is the meaning of

    max(x1.Subaddeffdate) Subaddeffdate

    with no comma?

    And where is table dbo defined?



  • max(x1.Subaddeffdate) Subaddeffdate

    - Subaddeffdate is an alias for the column, and this alias is used elsewhere in the query. It is referring to the same column, hence no comma.

    dbo is the owner of the table. In SQL Server, tables within a db can have different owners, so you sometimes need to qualify table names with their owner names. Not a problem in Access, so you can delete 'dbo.' wherever it appears.

    However, I still think that you might have a problem making the entire query work as one and therefore suggest that you try splitting it down as follows (do you know how to use a query as a datasource for another query in Access?):


    select x1.Subscrno, max(x1.Subaddeffdate) Subaddeffdate

    from dbo.tsubsadds x1 where x1.Subaddeffdate < getdate()

    group by x1.Subscrno



    x2.subscrno, max(x2.Subrouteeffdate) Subrouteeffdate


    dbo.tSubsRoutes x2


    x2.Subrouteeffdate < getdate()

    group by




    x3.subscrno, x3.Subrouteeffdate, t3.routeno


    (select from Q2) x3 inner join

    dbo.tSubsRoutes t3 on x3.subscrno = t3.subscrno and x3.Subrouteeffdate = t3.Subrouteeffdate



    t1.subscrno, t1.Subaddeffdate, t2.Delhouseno, t2.Delstreetnam, t4.Subrouteeffdate, t4.routeno


    (select from Q1) t1

    inner join dbo.tsubsadds t2 on

    t1.subscrno = t2.subscrno and t1.Subaddeffdate = t2.Subaddeffdate

    left outer join

    (select from Q3) t4

    order by


    Hope that helps!


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • In Access you have to use the keyword 'As' when aliasing a column.

    max(x1.Subaddeffdate) As Subaddeffdate


    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Going with SQLserver, suppose you have 500,000 records in each of the 2 tables.  I need to allow the user to generate a report.  To do that in a short while I allow the input of a value for the street name in tSubsAdds.  (I’m also going to do one for the actual delivery name.)  A Where clause needs to be added as in my original SQL.  With an index defned on the Delstreetnam field in tSubsAdds, jumping through and reading only the specified records should be quick.  But what about the join?  Will it jump through tSubsRoutes and pick up only the needed records or will it search through the entire table (which could take hours)?



  • Kathi,

    You mean:


    t1.subscrno, t1.Subaddeffdate, t2.Delhouseno, t2.Delstreetnam, t4.Subrouteeffdate, t4.routeno


    (select x1.Subscrno, max(x1.Subaddeffdate) as Subaddeffdate

    from tsubsadds as x1 where x1.Subaddeffdate < Date()

    group by x1.Subscrno) as t1

    inner join tsubsadds as t2 on

    t1.subscrno = t2.subscrno and t1.Subaddeffdate = t2.Subaddeffdate

    left join


    x3.subscrno, x3.Subrouteeffdate, t3.routeno



    x2.subscrno, max(x2.Subrouteeffdate) as Subrouteeffdate


    tSubsRoutes as x2


    x2.Subrouteeffdate < Date()

    group by

    x2.subscrno) as x3 inner join

    tSubsRoutes as t3 on x3.subscrno = t3.subscrno and x3.Subrouteeffdate = t3.Subrouteeffdate) as t4

    on t1.subscrno = t4.subscrno

    Access still won't take it.

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