Can't Install 2005 SP2, need to move DB & server config

  • When the production server was upgraded to SQL Server 2005 SP2, only some of the components were successfully upgraded.

    Now we have a "partial" SP2 installation. Things are running day-to-day ok, we're getting backups etc. But I do get some weird errors when I attempt to edit maint tasks or modify some SQL Agent jobs.

    Ideally I'd like to wipe out our troubled default instance and reinstall.

    Optionally, I have a named instance "PROD" on the same box that successfully updated to SP2, and I could move the DB over there.

    So my question is this... What is the the easiest and best way(s) to migrate the security settings, SQL Agent jobs, maint plans, operator info, mail settings, et. al. over to the other instance?

  • can you install SP2 again?

    we had a similar issue and if you to the control panel and rerun sql setup there is a repair option that will allow you to keep your settings

  • I have attempted to re-run the SP2 setup several times, but I have not tried the repair option from control panel's Add/Remove programs.

    I will try that this evening and report back here with the results.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

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