Can't shrink a DB that came from SQL 7 to 2000 to 2005 and now 2008

  • OK first the history of the DB.

    It was originally a SQL 7 DB then upgraded to SQL 2000 then to 2005 then to SQL 2008. The compatibility is set for SQL 2000 (8.0).

    The owner of the DB has never done replication, clustering or anything, it's just always been a regular DB.

    For some crazy reason I/we can not shrink the TX log file (.ldf). It's twice the size of the DB file itself. The DB file is 27GB, the TX file is ~47GB.

    What I have tried is the normal that has always worked....

    Change Recovery mode to Simple then run the following:

    DBCC SHRINKFILE(<Filename_log>)


    DBCC SHRINKFILE(<Filename_log>, 2)

    Put recovery mode back to FULL.

    That always worked..........till now.

    I also did a SQL FULL backup first and ran the above and still no shrink.

    Doing a "BACKUP............WITH TRUNCATE ONLY" doesn't exist in SQL 2008.

    The DB owner does backups using Redgate software so we did a FULL backup then did another backup and put a check box in the "Truncate empty......something" (can't remember exactly the wording).

    Still the TX log file is big.

    Short of doing the ever so dangerous "shut down the DB, delete TX file then bring it back up and hope SQL creates a new one....", what else can I do?

    Anything will help.


  • Please run DBCC LOGINFO against that database and check if the status for any VLFs is 2. If yes, then issuing transaction log backup multiple times until all the VLFs' status becomes 0. Once it is 0, you will be able to shrink the transaction log.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • I also did a SQL FULL backup first and ran the above and still no shrink.

    Doing a "BACKUP............WITH TRUNCATE ONLY" doesn't exist in SQL 2008.

    Taking FULL backup of database will not truncate the log, so you wouldn't be able to shrink the log.

    You need to take t-log backup for that.


  • We will try that.

    I'll let you know if it worked.


  • Is it safe to assume that when you say take a backup of the TX log, you mean using the SQL native backup and not RedGate?

    We'll try that and let you know if it works.


  • Warren Peace (1/7/2011)

    Is it safe to assume that when you say take a backup of the TX log, you mean using the SQL native backup and not RedGate?

    If your regular backup schedule makes use of Redgate, then please continue to take it through RedGate.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • try:

    backup log <database> with no_log

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