Can't use column number in GROUP BY?

  • I have a select statement where I am trying to avoid duplicating a tedious section of code in the GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses. Referencing by column number in the ORDER BY works fine, but I get an error when I try it in the GROUP BY ('Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference'). Is it not possible to use column number in the GROUP BY clause? Sorry for the ugly formatting, hard to control in web form...

    SELECT RowGroupTitle, --Col 1

    RowTitle, --Col 2

    CASE @ColumnDataType --Col 3

    WHEN 'Date/Time' THEN

    CASE @ColumnDateUnits

    WHEN 'Day' THEN CAST(DATEPART(yyyy, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar) + '-' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(mm, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar), 2) + '-' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(dd, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar), 2)

    WHEN 'Month' THEN CAST(DATEPART(yyyy, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar) + '-' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(mm, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar), 2)

    WHEN 'Quarter' THEN CAST(DATEPART(yyyy, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar) + '-' + CAST(DATEPART(qq, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar)

    WHEN 'Year' THEN CAST(DATEPART(yyyy, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar)


    ELSE r.ColumnValue

    END AS ColTitle,

    SUM(Measure) --Col4

    FROM blah, blah, blah

    GROUP BY RowGroupTitle, RowTitle, 3 --This gives error 'Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference'

    ORDER BY RowGroupTitle, RowTitle, 3 --This works.

    When I paste the ugly CASE in place of the 3 for the GROUP BY, it works fine. I just hate to duplicate the code if I can avoid it. Any thoughts?

  • Group by doesn't take Column Numbers. You need to specify the columns which are doens't have any Group functions.

  • You can convert your query to use either derived tables or common table expressions (CTE, available in sql 2005+)

    For. e.g.

    SELECT MyDerivedColumn

    FROM (

    SELECT Col1 + Col2 AS MyDerivedColumn, Col1, Col2, Col3

    FROM SomeTable

    ) D

    GROUP BY MyDerivedColumn

    ORDER BY Col1, MyDerivedColumn

    ;WITH DerivedCTE



    SELECT Col1 + Col2 AS MyDerivedColumn, Col1, Col2, Col3

    FROM SomeTable


    SELECT MyDerivedColumn

    FROM DerivedCTE

    GROUP BY MyDerivedColumn

    ORDER BY Col1, MyDerivedColumn


  • Thanks for both responses. Sound like changing it doens't really simplify it so I'll stick with what I have. Good to know the options tho, thanks much!

  • Stef,

    What am I missing here? Why do you say "Sound like changing it doens't really simplify it..."?

    Taking the suggestion of Ramesh and wrapping the case statement in a CTE allows us to specify that case statement just once. It seems to me we end up with:

    -- Less typing.

    -- Less chance of erroneous inconsistency between the select and group-by clauses.

    -- Easier to read code.

    ;with DerivedCTE as


    SELECT RowGroupTitle, --Col 1

    RowTitle, --Col 2

    CASE @ColumnDataType --Col 3

    WHEN 'Date/Time' THEN

    CASE @ColumnDateUnits

    WHEN 'Day' THEN CAST(DATEPART(yyyy, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar) + '-' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(mm, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar), 2) + '-' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(dd, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar), 2)

    WHEN 'Month' THEN CAST(DATEPART(yyyy, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar) + '-' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(mm, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar), 2)

    WHEN 'Quarter' THEN CAST(DATEPART(yyyy, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar) + '-' + CAST(DATEPART(qq, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar)

    WHEN 'Year' THEN CAST(DATEPART(yyyy, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar)


    ELSE r.ColumnValue

    END AS ColTitle,

    SUM(Measure) as SumMeasure --Col4

    FROM blah, blah, blah


    select RowGroupTitle,




    from DerivedCTE

    GROUP BY RowGroupTitle, RowTitle, ColTitle

    ORDER BY RowGroupTitle, RowTitle, ColTitle

  • Because of the SUM() in the CTE SELECT list, don't I need the GROUP BY in the CTE? Which duplicates the icky CASE statement, right? Probably I don't understand CTE well enough, I am playing with it now....

  • Ok, I got it. I just had to remove the SUM() from the CTE SELECT and add it to the 2nd SELECT. Thanks to all!

    ;with DerivedCTE as


    SELECT RowGroupTitle, --Col 1

    RowTitle, --Col 2

    CASE @ColumnDataType --Col 3

    WHEN 'Date/Time' THEN

    CASE @ColumnDateUnits

    WHEN 'Day' THEN CAST(DATEPART(yyyy, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar) + '-' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(mm, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar), 2) + '-' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(dd, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar), 2)

    WHEN 'Month' THEN CAST(DATEPART(yyyy, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar) + '-' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(mm, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar), 2)

    WHEN 'Quarter' THEN CAST(DATEPART(yyyy, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar) + '-' + CAST(DATEPART(qq, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar)

    WHEN 'Year' THEN CAST(DATEPART(yyyy, r.ColumnValue) AS varchar)


    ELSE r.ColumnValue

    END AS ColTitle,

    Measure --Col4

    FROM blah, blah, blah


    select RowGroupTitle,




    from DerivedCTE

    GROUP BY RowGroupTitle, RowTitle, ColTitle

    ORDER BY RowGroupTitle, RowTitle, ColTitle


  • Thought I'd throw in an afternote. I recently read in Karen Delaney's 2005 internals book that when columns are dropped, the space isn't reclaimed until the clustered index is reorganized. If memory serves, column numbers aren't adjusted to show only the visible columns, so ordering by column number could lead to unpredictable results.

    Perhaps Gail or another guru could confirm this.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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