Career Ender?

  • It will be interesting to see how the quoted examples work out after the original breathless magazine feature hype has died off. Remember the new economy?

    Results only sounds good, and indeed can be good for certain types of work. But it requires a fair and consistent metric, wherein lies the rub. An overly simplistic metric tends to destort the process it's measuring (think: measuring programming performance by lines of code). Additionally, many kinds of job often involve a lot more than requests which can be structured and transferred over a line. Often the most productive employees interact constantly in their environment in subtle ways



    -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers --

  • I used to oppose people working at home because I felt it was hard to get hold of them and I also felt people interaction was important.

    However now I would prefer working at home.  I worked at home one day and I was surprised how discipline I was.  I actually worked the whole day without taking a nap or watching TV !!!

    About interaction with fellow co-workers, after last couple jobs that I got stabbed at the back by some co-workers,  I have to talk very careful at work these days.  You don't know who is your friend and who is your enemy.  One day my Mom called me and we talked about half an hour. The next day my manager called me and said someone complained that I used business time doing personal thing.  One day I took some books home, the next day my manager asked me if I was going to quit.  BTW my manager worked in a different location. So it must be someone told him what I was doing at the office.  I felt liked I was a mouse in the lab - no one cared about the mouse but it was under the microscope, just liked me no one talked me the whole day but someone watched me over my shoulder.

    In my old company, I was talking to one of the senior DBA and complained to him that the new hired DBA was very careless and did not check the work.  The new hired DBA was an Indian.  The next day I was called by my manager that someone complained that I was a racist against Indian.

    Ten years ago, I could talk to my co-workers everything, we even complained about the company, the CEO and nobody would report to the upper management.  These days it is no fun working  in the office anymore.

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