Case sintax in a SQL Store Procedure evalauting 2 Query options

  • what will be the best way to write this code? I have the following code:



    status_sent as nvarchar(30)


    case status_sent =( select * from TableSignal

    where ID=(SELECT id_

    FROM [P_Database].[dbo].[Package]

    where SerialNumber=@Pallet ) and SignalId=23)

    when is null then 'Signal not send'

    when not null then 'Signal Sent'


    then if Signal Sent.... do the following query:

    Select * from package.....

    if signal not sent don't do anything

    any help will be appreciate it.....on how to evaluate the first query with the 2 options and based on that

    options write the next query.

  • If I were to do this query, and I understand it correctly, I would do it like this:


    if exists(

    select *

    from tablesignal

    inner join [P_Database].[dbo].[Package]

    on tablesignal.ID = package.id_

    where tablesignal.signalid = 23

    and package.serialnumber = @Pallet


    select package...

    from package

    If you needed to do something else in the second query (more than just a select statement if the sent signal exists), wrap that last select statement in BEGIN and END statements.

    Does this response apply to your question?

  • It works, thank you so much!

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