CASE Statement

  • Hi All,

    I have a simple case statement that won't work and I can't see where the error is, missing a bracket or something not sure. The syntax error is appearing at the, END as 'Measure'

    Thanks for any help.

    DECLARE @1startdate DATE = '2014-01-01'
    , @2Endate DATE = '2019-09-30'
    ,@3Policy VARCHAR(50) = 'Policy_View'
    ,@4Channel VARCHAR(6) = 'DIRECT'
    ,@5FactorFilter VARCHAR(50) = 'Alarm'
    ,@6FFLevel VARCHAR(100) = 'Alarm test'
    ,@7Factorby VARCHAR(25) = 'Age_Group'
    ,@8FFSplit VARCHAR(25) = 'Age_Group test'
    ,@9BarMeasure VARCHAR(100)
    ,@10LineMeasure VARCHAR(100)
    ,@11BMeasureName VARCHAR(100) = '[B_Sum_Hail_Incurred]'
    ,@12CMeasureName VARCHAR(100) = '[C_Sum_Earthquake_Incurred]'
    ,@13BCMeasureName VARCHAR(100) = '[BC_Earned_Premium]'

    SELECT @7Factorby 'FactorBy'
    ,@8FFSplit 'FactorSplit'
    ,@3Policy 'Policy'
    ,CASE WHEN @3Policy = 'Policy_View'
    THEN(CASE WHEN @13BCMeasureName = 'BC_Earned_Premium' THEN SUM([BC_Earned_Premium])
    WHEN @13BCMeasureName = 'BC_Earned_Units' THEN SUM([BC_Earned_Units])
    ELSE 0 END)
    CASE WHEN @3Policy = 'Contents_View'
    THEN (CASE WHEN @12CMeasureName = 'C_Sum_Earned_Premium' THEN SUM([C_Sum_Earned_Premium])
    WHEN @12CMeasureNAme = 'C_Sum_Earned_Units' THEN SUM([C_Sum_Earned_Units])
    ELSE 0 END )
    CASE WHEN @3Policy = 'Building_View'
    THEN(CASE WHEN @13BCMeasureName = 'B_Sum_Earned_Premium' THEN SUM([B_Sum_Earned_Premium])
    WHEN @13BCMeasureName = '[B_Sum_Earned_Units]' THEN SUM([B_Sum_Earned_Units])
    ELSE 0 END) END AS 'Measure'
    --,@1startdate 'startdate'
    --,@2Endate 'enddate'
    --,@5FactorFilter 'FactorFilter'
    --,@6FFLevel 'FFLevel'
    FROM [database].[dbo].
    WHERE startofquarter >= @1startdate AND endofquarter <=@2Endate
    AND channel = @4Channel AND @5FactorFilter like '%' + @6FFLevel + @5FactorFilter + '%';

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by  ringovski.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by  ringovski.
  • You need a couple more "ends" at the END AS 'MEASURE'




    END AS 'Measure'


    Your not closing the outer case clauses for the parameter check

  • Thanks Anthony, I knew it was something stupid.

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