CASE statement slows down query drastically

  • If i comment out the case statement in this query, it takes less than  a second.  With the case statement, it takes almost a minute.  Any ideas?  Can the double join on the Trade table be written better than t1 or t2?

    SELECT DISTINCT          
       ISNULL(DocRef,'')  AS 'DocRef',  
       ISNULL(err.DataKey, '') ErrorID,  
        WHEN ISNULL(t.TP_Name,'') = '' THEN ISNULL(t2.TP_Name,'')
        ELSE ISNULL(t.TP_Name,'')          
       END      AS 'TP_Name',        
    FROM sent   m WITH (NOLOCK)       

    LEFT JOIN ErrorLog err WITH (NOLOCK)        
     ON CAST(m.Sent_ID AS nvarchar(50)) = err.DataKey
    AND ISNULL(err.DataType, '') IN ('', 'sent')  

    LEFT JOIN Trade  t WITH (NOLOCK)         
       ON m.TP_PartID = t.TP_PartID          
    LEFT JOIN EDIStdDocs std WITH (NOLOCK)         
       ON m.DocType = std.doc_id           
    LEFT JOIN Partner  p WITH (NOLOCK)          
       ON m.TP_PartID = p.PartnerID          
       AND std.DGID  = p.DGID            
       AND 1=(SELECT COUNT(TP_PartID)          
         FROM Partner             
         WHERE PartnerID = p.PartnerID        
          AND DGID  = p.DGID)         
    LEFT JOIN Trade  t2 WITH (NOLOCK)         
       ON p.TP_PartID = t2.TP_PartID          
    WHERE DateSent >= '12/1/2017' AND DateSent <= '12/1/2017 23:59:59'              

  • What is your reason for using NOLOCK? You know the implications of it, right?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • This is a query that, unfortunately, I'm having to help the software developer figure out the problem with.  I tried removing the NOLOCKs but didn't seem to impact performance.

  • Please post the actual execution plan as a .sqlplan file.

  • Have you looked at the execution plan with and without the CASE statement. If you want, post both (full .sqlplan file please, and if possible, the actual execution plan, not the estimated) and one, or more, of us will look through it to figure out what's going on.

    Just looking at the code, I'm surprised the CASE is giving you problems when this bit:
    CAST((mm..Sent_IDSent_ID AS nvarchar AS nvarchar((5050)))) == err err..DataKeyDataKey   
      AND ISNULL  AND ISNULL((errerr..DataTypeDataType,, '''')) IN IN (('''',, 'sent''sent')) 
    Is absolutely going to lead to scans of that table. Functions against columns like you have them is very problematic.

    And if NOLOCK doesn't impact performance, chuck it.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • The TP_Name column isn't used anywhere else in the query, so possibly something as simple as indexes that are covering without the CASE expression no longer are once that column is needed.

    Would it be possible to post the execution plans for the query with and without the CASE expression?

    That will help us give more pointed advice; as other have already pointed out, there are quite a few red flags in that query.


  • Jackie Lowery - Monday, January 8, 2018 11:09 AM

    If i comment out the case statement in this query, it takes less than  a second.  With the case statement, it takes almost a minute.  Any ideas?  Can the double join on the Trade table be written better than t1 or t2?

    SELECT DISTINCT          
       ISNULL(DocRef,'')  AS 'DocRef',  
       ISNULL(err.DataKey, '') ErrorID,  
        WHEN ISNULL(t.TP_Name,'') = '' THEN ISNULL(t2.TP_Name,'')
        ELSE ISNULL(t.TP_Name,'')          
       END      AS 'TP_Name',        
    FROM sent   m WITH (NOLOCK)       

    LEFT JOIN ErrorLog err WITH (NOLOCK)        
     ON CAST(m.Sent_ID AS nvarchar(50)) = err.DataKey
    AND ISNULL(err.DataType, '') IN ('', 'sent')  

    LEFT JOIN Trade  t WITH (NOLOCK)         
       ON m.TP_PartID = t.TP_PartID          
    LEFT JOIN EDIStdDocs std WITH (NOLOCK)         
       ON m.DocType = std.doc_id           
    LEFT JOIN Partner  p WITH (NOLOCK)          
       ON m.TP_PartID = p.PartnerID          
       AND std.DGID  = p.DGID            
       AND 1=(SELECT COUNT(TP_PartID)          
         FROM Partner             
         WHERE PartnerID = p.PartnerID        
          AND DGID  = p.DGID)         
    LEFT JOIN Trade  t2 WITH (NOLOCK)         
       ON p.TP_PartID = t2.TP_PartID          
    WHERE DateSent >= '12/1/2017' AND DateSent <= '12/1/2017 23:59:59'              

    Commenting out the CASE eliminates columns from Partner p, Trade t and Trade t2 from the output. If SQL Server can determine that omission of these tables from the query doesn't change the output at all, including row count, then it can eliminate them from the query altogether. And of course with DISTINCT in the output, you've increased the likelihood of this occurring.
    There's some scope for improvement in this query, if that's what you're looking to do.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • And again, post the actual execution plans for the query with and without the CASE.  We need more information than you have provided and these will provide that information.  Be sure you upload the plans as *.sqlplans, not as pictures.

  • Here are the execution plans with and without the case statement.  My ultimate goal would be to improve the query.  I think the issue lies in joining the Trade table twice in order to get the TP_Name based on the TP_PartID join between the Partner and Sent tables, if that makes sense.

  • Yeah, since you no longer need the TP_Name column when the CASE expression is commented out, SQL Server doesn't even need to access any tables other than Sent and ErrorLog, and smartly ignores the rest of the joins, as Chris had surmised might be happening.

    When TP_Name is needed, then it has to actually implement all the joins, which is a lot more expensive.

    That explains the duration difference you're seeing; I'll take a closer look at rewriting the query later.


  • Jackie Lowery - Tuesday, January 9, 2018 8:59 AM

    Here are the execution plans with and without the case statement.  My ultimate goal would be to improve the query.  I think the issue lies in joining the Trade table twice in order to get the TP_Name based on the TP_PartID join between the Partner and Sent tables, if that makes sense.

    This could get you started:
    SELECT DISTINCT           
       ISNULL(DocRef,'')   AS 'DocRef', 
       ISNULL(err.DataKey, '') ErrorID,   
       [TP_Name] = ISNULL(x.[TP_Name], ''),        
    FROM [sent]  m      
    LEFT JOIN ErrorLog err       
     ON CAST(m.Sent_ID AS nvarchar(50)) = err.DataKey 
     AND ISNULL(err.DataType, '') IN ('', 'sent') 
    LEFT JOIN EDIStdDocs std         
     ON m.DocType = std.doc_id            
     SELECT [TP_Name]
     FROM (
       [TP_Name] = CASE WHEN t.TP_Name > '' THEN t.TP_Name ELSE t2.TP_Name END,
       q = COUNT(TP_PartID) OVER(PARTITION BY p.PartnerID, p.DGID)
      FROM [Partner]  p
      LEFT JOIN Trade t          
       ON t.TP_PartID = p.PartnerID           
      LEFT JOIN Trade t2        
       ON t2.TP_PartID = p.TP_PartID   
       WHERE p.PartnerID = m.TP_PartID           
       AND p.DGID = std.DGID
     ) d
     WHERE d.q = 1
    ) x
    WHERE DateSent >= '12/1/2017' AND DateSent < '13/1/2017'    
    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • The original query only takes 40 sec to complete, that query takes 56 sec.  Also, many of the returned records have an empty TP_Name field, and none of the TP_Name fields are empty with the original query.

  • Could we get the DDL for the tables including the indexes currently defined?

  • Here is ddl for sent, trade, and partner tables, the ones with the joins that seem to cause issue.

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