case vs if

  • hi,

    i have a stored procedure:

    create proc pBaseValues

    @kennung int


    if @kennung = 1

    select q.*

    from tblAdressAnrede join qryBasiswerte q

    on FKTextAnrede = FKTextZuordnung

    if @kennung = 2 or @kennung = 4

    select q.*

    from tblAdressTitel join qryBasiswerte q

    on FKTextTitel = FKTextZuordnung

    if @kennung = 3

    select q.*

    from tblAdressBriefanrede join qryBasiswerte q

    on FKTextBriefAnrede = FKTextZuordnung

    if @kennung = 5

    select q.*

    from tblAdressArt join qryBasiswerte q

    on FKTextArt = FKTextZuordnung

    if @kennung = 6

    select q.*

    from tblAdressFamilienstand join qryBasiswerte q

    on FKTextFamilienstand = FKTextZuordnung

    -- and another 6 if s :)

    my question is: is there a better way to realise this? i need just one proc and depending on the inputparameter, a different select statement (always the same columns) is returned.

    can i do this with case?



  • I'd do it completely differently.

    First, create and populate a lookup table:

    create table tablookup (

    kennung int,

    tabname sysname,

    joincol sysname)

    insert into tablookup values (1, 'tblAdressAnrede', 'FKTextAnrede')

    insert into tablookup values (2, 'tblAdressTitel', 'FKTextTitel')




    Then your procedure's code could be:




    declare @cmd nvarchar(4000)

    select @cmd = N'select q.* from ' + tabname + N' join qryBasiswerte q on '

    + joincol + N' = FKTextZuordnung'

    from tablookup

    where kennung = @kennung

    exec sp_executesql @cmd




    It's not pretty, but it would get the job done.

  • Your IF statements are fine and they don't require the use of dynamic SQL.

    My big question would be... why do you have separate tables for all that stuff?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • >> always the same columns is returned

    >> q.*

    Both dangerous statements.

    Does q have a simple PK?

    If so I would return the those values then join to q to get the data.

    Whether you do the final join in this SP or the calling SP is up to you.

    I would stick with the if statments - you can put elses between them if you like.

    Could also use a union all and put the if condition in a where clause.

    There are a number of options but the idea of multiple if's isn't a bad one.

    Is this doing text translation or something like that?

    Cursors never.
    DTS - only when needed and never to control.

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