case with join

  • hi

    i was wondering  . if we have 3 tables table1,table2 and table3

    i need to join table1 to either table2 or tbale3 depending on a certain condition,can we do it using the case method?

    i mean like

    select * from table1

     if case1 then join table2

    else join table3


    is there a way we can do it like this?




    If something's hard to do, then it's not worth doing.

  • Probably the easiest is to do the if outside of the query

    IF (condition)

     SELECT <fields> from table1 inner join table2 ON...


     SELECT <fields> from table1 inner join table3 ON...

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • You better read a little bit about design of relational databases.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • if the conditional is within the data of tables 2 and 3, and are mutually exclusive, then a left outer join with the appropriate where clause will do the trick

  • no the condition is on table1

    on a certain feild of table1

    If something's hard to do, then it's not worth doing.

  • Could you maybe post thr structure of you tables, some sample data and an indication of what you're trying to achieve?

    As Sergiy said, conditional joins is not somethign that should be necessary in a properly designed relational database


    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Hi,

    U can give breath to you will. Simply make a Stored Procedure. I'm giving the smaple query as below...

    CREATE PROCEDURE mst_spJoinTableConditionally

    @Condition NVARCHAR(2000)


    DECLARE @Table NVARCHAR(200)

    SELECT @Table = CASE @Condition WHEN 'Condition 1' THEN 'TABLE1 A INNER JOIN TABLE2 B ON A.Table1Id = B.Table1Id' WHEN 'Condition 2' THEN 'TABLE1 A LEFT OUTER JOIN TABLE3 B ON A.Table1Id = B.Table1Id' END




    FROM ' + @Table + '



    Like this U can manuplate tables columns.

    Good Luck do Ur Best.

  • why not use a union


    select * from table1 join table2 on table1.col = yourcondition


    select * from table1 join table3 on table1.col = yourcondition[/url]

  • If U'll Learn to play with Variables U'll learn lot more.

    DECLARE @Table NVARCHAR(128)

    SELECT @Table =

       CASE Condition

          WHEN 'Condition 1' THEN 'Table1'

          WHEN 'Condition 2' THEN 'Table2'

          ELSE 'Table3'


    EXEC('SELECT * FROM ' + @Table + '')

    Bhudev Prakash []


  • Yes, you can use variables and dynamic SQL... but in this case I would say "unfortunately you can". If you need to resort to such approach, something is wrong with the database design.

    Either the two tables (2 and 3) should in fact be one table with some "Type" column (with values e.g. 2 or 3), or you should have 2 columns in Table1 where you have only 1 now... or maybe the design itself is OK and then the query can be written without "conditional" join, you just don't know how. Hard to tell which one it is unless you post the DDL and explain what the tables and columns mean.

  • Hi Dear Suppose there is three tables eg.: Table1..2..3

    and One has 5 Columns, Two has 6 columns and Three has 9.

    And here I supposed to there is some Link column between the tables.

    First I'll analysis my requierement how many columns are there to display as output.

    And If condition true then from which table which columns has to be pick.

        TABLE1     TABLE2     TABLE3

    --> t1Col1 --> t2Col1 --> t3Col1

    --> ...... --> ...... --> ......

    --> t1Col5 --> t2Col6 --> t3Col9

    Suppose I've have to fetch max number of colum 5+6+9 = 20 with in all conditions.

    CREATE PROCEDURE mst_spJoinTableConditionally

    @Condition NVARCHAR(2000),

    @BusinessLogic NVARCHAR(20) -- 20 times 1s or 0s ---> 1 = Enable 0 = Disable



    @Table NVARCHAR(200),

    @Col1 NVARCHAR(128),

    @Col2 NVARCHAR(128),



    @Col20 NVARCHAR(128)

    SET @Col1 = 'A.t1COL1,'

    SET @Col2 = 'A.t1COL2,'

    SET @Col3 = 'A.t1COL3,'

    SET @Col4 = 'A.t1COL4,'

    SET @Col5 = 'A.t1COL5,'

    SET @Col6 = 'B.t2COL1,'

    SET @Col7 = 'B.t2COL2,'

    SET @Col8 = 'B.t2COL3,'

    SET @Col9 = 'B.t2COL4,'

    SET @Col10 = 'B.t2COL5,'

    SET @Col11 = 'B.t2COL6,'

    SET @Col12 = 'C.t3COL1,'

    SET @Col13 = 'C.t3COL2,'

    SET @Col14 = 'C.t3COL3,'

    SET @Col15 = 'C.t3COL4,'

    SET @Col16 = 'C.t3COL5,'

    SET @Col17 = 'C.t3COL6,'

    SET @Col18 = 'C.t3COL7,'

    SET @Col19 = 'C.t3COL8,'

    SET @Col20 = 'C.t3COL9,'

    SET @Col20 = 'C.t3COL10'

    ---> U can manage it conditionally as well through business logic made by devloper.

    IF LEFT(@BusinessLogic,1) = '0' SET @Col1 = 'NULL,'

    IF RIGHT(1,LEFT(@BusinessLogic,2)) = '0' SET @Col2 = 'NULL,'



    IF RIGHT(@BusinessLogic,1) = '0' SET @Col20 = 'NULL'

    SELECT @Table =

    CASE @Condition

    WHEN 'Condition 1'

    THEN 'TABLE1 A INNER JOIN TABLE2 B ON A.Table1Id = B.Table1Id'

    WHEN 'Condition 2'





     Col1 = ' + @Col1 + '

     Col2 = ' + @Col2 + '

     Col3 = ' + @Col3 + '

     Col4 = ' + @Col4 + '

     Col5 = ' + @Col5 + '

     Col6 = ' + @Col6 + '

     Col7 = ' + @Col7 + '

     Col8 = ' + @Col8 + '

     Col9 = ' + @Col9 + '

     Col10 = ' + @Col10 + '

     Col11 = ' + @Col11 + '

     Col12 = ' + @Col12 + '

     Col13 = ' + @Col13 + '

     Col14 = ' + @Col14 + '

     Col15 = ' + @Col15 + '

     Col16 = ' + @Col16 + '

     Col17 = ' + @Col17 + '

     Col18 = ' + @Col18 + '

     Col19 = ' + @Col19 + '

     Col20 = ' + @Col20 + '

    FROM ' + @Table + '


    It is only a concept - Depands upon your logic/requirement U may devlop.

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