Cell Invisibility

  • Guys, I've been working in RS for about three weeks and trying to re-write some Crystal reports to RS. Most of the reports are fairly simple, but the way to use features are different in RS, to me.

    So I created a report that gives me the total hours an employee has entered for a day. I invisibled the details because I dont need to see every detailed hours, just the total for the day. So I created a Group, which helped to get the format I want.

    This is how the report looks:

    EmployeeID...........Name.................>=8 hours..........<8 Hours

    JD101..................John Doe................8....................8

    MH101.................Mary Haynes...........6.5.................6.5

    GA101.................Gomez Adams..........8.5.................8.5

    So what I'm trying to do is, anything 8 hours or more, it should be visible under the >=8 column. Any record that has less than 8 hours should be invisible under the >=8 column. Then vice-versa on the <8 column.

    Once I get the expression right, it should look like this:

    EmployeeID...........Name.................>=8 hours..........<8 Hours

    JD101..................John Doe................8........................

    MH101.................Mary Haynes....................................6.5

    GA101.................Gomez Adams..........8.5.................

    One other thing. Sometimes, I have employee that dont work on certain days, so they dont enter time for that day. When the report runs, it doesnt populate that person's name, which right if they didnt enter any hours. However, I would like their name to appear even though they didnt enter any hours. In my Crystal report, their name appears but under the two "Hours" columns, it's blank, which is what I'm trying to do in RS.

    Thanks for your help guys.

  • You can apply the expression on the text box...

    =IIF(Fields!TotalHours.Value < 8 ,"",Fields!TotalHours.Value)

    Prashant Bhatt
    Sr Engineer - Application Programming

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